Add on/plugin requests

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Oct 8, 2010, 4:38:58 PM10/8/10
to vtg-dev
I want to switch from gedit to valide, but I am missing a few plugins
that I would really like to see in there. I will certainly try to
develop some things myself, but I am new to vala, so I have a learning
hump to get over first.
Requested plugins:
- Smart Highlighting: Highlight all occurrences of the word under
cursor and/or highlighted phrase.
- Hotkeys:
-- Ctrl+PgUp/PgDwn to switch between documents
-- Ctrl+Tab switch between tabs
-- Ctrl++, Ctrl+-, Ctrl+MouseWheel to increase/decrease text size on
the fly
- Split view improvements -> multiple documents in same view
- Toggle text wrap
- Custom external command execution (and hotkeys)
- Find in files in directory (not just project)
- Multiple line comment/uncomment and hotkeys for it
- DevHelp integration / general documentation support. This would be
really useful for people learning.

Big program requests:
- Debugger integration
- syntax checking (red/yellow squigglies)
- Some smart refactoring (renaming classes, file names, etc).

Thanks for a great ide! I particularly like the widget docking (drag
and drop ide widget to positions). I look forward to contributing once
I learn more.



Oct 9, 2010, 12:55:01 PM10/9/10
to vtg-dev
This was supposed to go to the valide list. Apologies. Just ignore.
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