Hi All,
Over the years github has steadily improved the range of features it supports for repositories and this year it added Discussion support that you can enable for repositories with just a couple of web admin clicks.
Had this facility been available at the start of the VulkanSceneGraph project I would have just enabled it and never had to start up vsg-users google group. We now 4 and half years worth of discussions on this group which is still a valuable resource.
There are downsides with the google-group, the main one is that countries like China block google groups so a big potential user base won't be able to read discussions and join in themselves.
Discussions being there right in the repo also has its advantages, I like one stop shops where you can go to get the software, report issues, submit improvements and potentially just chat about ideas and ask questions in a way that gets archived in an easily viewable form.
However, I haven't used the github discussion feature yet. I see that osgEarth has adopted it, do folks here have experience with it?
From my own personal preference, I am always busy writing/debugging software and trying to keep up with discussions, spreading myself too thinly is always a problem so I'd much rather have one discussion forum for the VSG project, so we either stick with vsg-users googlegroup or move to a githuib discussion forum on the VulkanSceneGraph repo and keep the googelgroup around just for keep old discussions archived.