Planning for VulkanSceneGraph-1.0 release and possible Zoom launch party

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Robert Osfield

Oct 26, 2022, 1:38:27 PM10/26/22
to vsg-users : VulkanSceneGraph Developer Discussion Group
Hi All,

-- Last days of testing, reviews before tagging the official 1.0 release.

I have now fixed all the reported build and bug issues, and close to completing my optional "could do" list of feature refinements having completed the critical "MUST HAVE" and "Should have" back in the summer.  While there a few minor items I can refine over the next day or so I'm pretty happy to tag the 1.0 even tomorrow if required.

There is always time for more testing out in the community, both comping and runtime, and testing against your own applications.  So please test, if there are issues I'd much rather know about them and tackle them now rather than after the release.

If the rest of this week goes smoothly I'm looking at great a VulkanSceneGraph-1.0 branch and tagging 1.0.0 release at the weekend, or perhaps on Monday 31st.  Timing isn't critical but I'd like to wrap things up this month so we have a clean slate for November - I have client work lined up so will expect to busy through to Christmas.

-- Announcing the release

Aide from the technical side of build and runtime testing and code review required for a first stable release I'm now thinking about non technical side - officially announcing the release here on vsg-users, on osg-users, on twitter, linkIn etc.

I guess I probably need to write an "official" sounding press release but suck at this type of thing...  If you have suggestions or can help you can help spread the word please raise you hand here or email me directly.

-- Do you fancy joining an online Release party?

I haven't ever hosted anything like a party over Zoom before but I know it's been done.  Would the community like an informal online event that you can join for free community event, have a tear/coffee/beer if you feel so inclined.

I'm thinking such an event with just me chatting won't be very interesting, far better would be to mix in demos, especially ones from the community showing off your own applications and talking about your experiences.

Zoom has a record feature that I haven't used before but I'm think it might be useful to record at least the initial presentations/demos.  I can post the record video on you tube afterwards.

As I'll be hosting it'll need to overlap with UK time-zone, but as we have members of the community right across the globe it'll be difficult to be able to overlap with all time zones.  The most user activity has been in Europe and the US so I'm inclined towards a Afternoon/Evening time in Europe overlapping with the US.

There is also which day would work best - at the weekend so folks needn't fit around work, or just hold in in a weekday (i.e. Monday) if that's when the release looks like it'll push out to.

Would an hour be sufficient?  Would 2 hours be required?  Perhaps get all the more official demo stuff done in the first half hour? I'm completely open to suggestions about day/time.  So chip in with your own suggestions.

Then there is things like moderation/coordinate of speakers, would this be required?  As I haven't hosted anything like this before I don't know what works well, what things to do, what to avoid etc.  Again please chip in without any suggestions you think could help it be a smoother and more fun/useful online event.


Over to you folks, let me know you thoughts on anything VulkanSceneGraph-1.0 release related.


Chris Hanson

Oct 26, 2022, 2:05:53 PM10/26/22
I'd join a launch party. Just about any time works for me.

We don't have anything we could demo but would drop in to hang out.

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Oct 26, 2022, 10:26:20 PM10/26/22
to vsg-users : VulkanSceneGraph Developer Discussion Group
Yeah I think that'd would be pretty cool. It would be great to see what others are working on using the VSG.

Bruce Clay

Oct 27, 2022, 10:04:11 AM10/27/22
Finally got time to download and test using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10

The main project built without errors.  Tried to build examples ran into errors looking for vsglmGui.
Tried to build  vsglmGui. cmake could not find vsgTargets.cmake so I copied it up to expected location and tried again

Set all fields in CMAKE to get rid of the read still ran into errors shown below

error list

Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.22621.0 to target Windows 10.0.19043.

Reading 'vsg_...' macros from G:/SupportLibraries3/VulkanSceneGraph/vsgImGui/cmake/vsgMacros.cmake - look there for documentation

Found glslang: C:/VulkanSDK/

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:38 (message):
git submodule update --init --recursive failed with 128, please checkout

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

See also "G:/SupportLibraries3/VulkanSceneGraph/vsgImGui/build_x64/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".

See also "G:/SupportLibraries3/VulkanSceneGraph/vsgImGui/build_x64/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

CMakeError.log file indicated error missing pthread.h. I do not see the pthread requirement in cmake.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated



Robert Osfield

Oct 27, 2022, 10:23:04 AM10/27/22
Hi  Bruce,

I don't have windows so can't help with the platform specifics. Will try to chip in thoughts.

On Thu, 27 Oct 2022 at 15:04, Bruce Clay <> wrote:
The main project built without errors.  Tried to build examples ran into errors looking for vsglmGui.

What errors do you see?

In theory the vsgimgui_example should only be built when vsgImGui has been found.

Tried to build  vsglmGui. cmake could not find vsgTargets.cmake so I copied it up to expected location and tried again

vsgTargets.cmake should be installed along with the VulkanSceneGraph libraries and headers when you run the VSG's Install target. 

While I don't have Windows, under Linux I customize the install location by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to a local ~/Install directory. And use the same build/install other VSG related libraries/applications. I then set my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the ~/Install directory so I can link to these libs and run the applications.  To help make it easier to build everything I have simple bash script that looks like:

make -j 15
make install

cd ../osg2vsg
make -j 15
make install

cd ../vsgXchange
make -j 15
make install

cd ../vsgImGui
make -j 15
make install

cd ../vsgExamples
make -j 15

It may be we need more documentation to help Windows users walk through what is best under Windows, but I can't personally do this as I don't have a Windows system or expertise on VisualStudio.

Set all fields in CMAKE to get rid of the read still ran into errors shown below

error list

Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.22621.0 to target Windows 10.0.19043.

Reading 'vsg_...' macros from G:/SupportLibraries3/VulkanSceneGraph/vsgImGui/cmake/vsgMacros.cmake - look there for documentation

Found glslang: C:/VulkanSDK/

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:38 (message):
git submodule update --init --recursive failed with 128, please checkout

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

See also "G:/SupportLibraries3/VulkanSceneGraph/vsgImGui/build_x64/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".

See also "G:/SupportLibraries3/VulkanSceneGraph/vsgImGui/build_x64/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

CMakeError.log file indicated error missing pthread.h. I do not see the pthread requirement in cmake.

How do you obtain the vsgImGui library?  The CMake setup assumes that git is available to pull down ImGui as a submodule.

Do you have git installed?

Rob McDonald

Oct 27, 2022, 12:19:41 PM10/27/22

Brand new to VSG -- just a lurker right now.  Trying to learn by osmosis so far.

The launch party thread brought up a theme that mirrored a request I have.

There does not seem to be a list of projects using VSG on the website.

Perhaps the 1.0 release is the time to launch a showcase of screenshots with links to projects.

Thanks for all the work,


Bruce Clay

Oct 27, 2022, 1:54:13 PM10/27/22
  Thanks for your quick reply.  I apologize for the late replying back.  To use one of our lesser of favorite words as an adjective I was "Microsofted:".  very sluggish update with multiple reboots as it moved along.

The Sequence I used was to first build the main VulcanSceneGraph project.  That worked without any problems
Then I moved to vsgExamples,  That tripped up looking for the vsg_DIR  (cmake file).  I set that and ran configure again.
That tripped looking for glslang DIR.  I set that to G:\SupportLibraries3\VulkanSceneGraph\src\vsg
Ran config again and it said "Configurijng Done.
vsglmGui_DIR and vsgXchange_DIR are still not set at this point.

I have tried several times to build examples with varying results

currently cmake is looking for vsgs.lib and vsgrd.lib. I am using cmake 3.21.1 Is that an acceptable version?


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Robert Osfield

Oct 27, 2022, 3:06:42 PM10/27/22
Hi Bruce,

Hopefully others with VSG/VisualStudio will chip in.

On Thu, 27 Oct 2022 at 18:54, Bruce Clay <> wrote:
The Sequence I used was to first build the main VulcanSceneGraph project.  That worked without any problems.

Did you run install the VulkanSceneGgraph Install target?

If so where did it install the include and lib directories?  

If you didn't run the Install could you try this.

Then I moved to vsgExamples,  That tripped up looking for the vsg_DIR  (cmake file).  I set that and ran configure again.
That tripped looking for glslang DIR.  I set that to G:\SupportLibraries3\VulkanSceneGraph\src\vsg
Ran config again and it said "Configurijng Done.

The VSG CMake build system is designed around CMake config files being install in lib/cmake/vsg directory, this will contain he various config files required to set up the VSG correctly when you link to other libs/applications.

If you have set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to the place that you installed the VSG to then you shouldn't need to set any further paths, failing that the vsg_DIR should be set to the place that you installed the VSG to.  The mention of VulkanSceneGraph/src/vsg above suggests that you haven't installed or have not set the paths to where it's installed.  There shouldn't be any need to set paths to the VSG source code directories once you've run the install.

Have a look over my previous reply as this should help understand the role of installing the VSG etc.  All the projects like vsgXchange and vsgImGui work in the same work and also are designed to be installed, so it's best to install them all together in one directory.

vsglmGui_DIR and vsgXchange_DIR are still not set at this point.

Both are optional dependencies and you shouldn't need to set them unless you have a complicated setup of install of VSG, vsgXchange and vsgImGui all to different directories.

Hope this helps,

Bruce Clay

Oct 27, 2022, 3:43:24 PM10/27/22
  I did not run the install I just set the locations in cmake.I reran cmake and set theCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as suggested.  The Visual Studio solution was generated but the include paths andlibaries were not set in the solution.

If I manually change the solution to add the paths and libraries then I can build the examples. I tried vsgCameras and VsgView with some of the models I previously used ti osg and they would not load.Do the models all have to be converted to the vsgt format first?


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Oct 27, 2022, 3:50:17 PM10/27/22
to vsg-users : VulkanSceneGraph Developer Discussion Group
Hey Bruce,

Make sure that you are setting up your vsg_glslang correctly. Here is a screenshot of the two paths I setup in CMake when building vsgExamples.


Robert Osfield

Oct 27, 2022, 4:21:30 PM10/27/22
Hi Bruce,

On Thu, 27 Oct 2022 at 20:43, Bruce Clay <> wrote:
  I did not run the install I just set the locations in cmake.

Could you try installing VulkanSceneGraph, this will should put all the required headers, libs and lib/cmake/vsg + lib/cmake/vsg_glang files all under one directory tree and if you then use the same CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to set this path for the VSG, an reuse it for all subsequent VSG projects they all should just work fine together without the need for set any further variables.

If you install to system directories then you won't even need to set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, but I think Windows may fall down in this respect.

I reran cmake and set theCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as suggested.  The Visual Studio solution was generated but the include paths andlibaries were not set in the solution.

Which project did you set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX?  If you run configure after you've set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX then it should be able to search for CMake config files and then be able to set everything up for you.


If I manually change the solution to add the paths and libraries then I can build the examples. I tried vsgCameras and VsgView with some of the models I previously used ti osg and they would not load.Do the models all have to be converted to the vsgt format first?

If you don't build the VSG against vsgXchange then you will only be able to load VSG native .vsgt (ascii text) and .vsgb (binary) files, to load standard image formats and 3d model formats then you'll need to build vsgXchange after you've built the VSG.  vsgXchange uses Assimp when available to support for most 3d model formats.

For loading OSG files, or to use the OSG to load models, you'll need to build the osg2vsg library before vsgXchange, then build vsgXchange, then vsgExamples.

Once you've built osg2vsg + vsgXchange you'll be able to load all the model formats that the OSG can load so:

  vsgviewer lz.osgt

Will work just fine, in fact the vsgExamples/data/models/lz.vsgt was converted from lz.osgt using the vsgconv utility provided by vsgXchange.  vsgconv is a bit like osgconv, though it handle a wide range of tasks, and can even convert OSG paged databases to native VSG ones.

I wrote osg2vsg early in the VSG projects life but it's been a bit left on the shelf for the last couple of years while I've fleshed out the rest of the VSG and vsgXchange, so osg2vsg could do with a revisit to update it leverage all the modern VSG features that didn't exist a couple of years ago.



Tim Moore

Oct 28, 2022, 6:01:13 AM10/28/22
I'd be interested in a Zoom release party! I can demo vsgEarth if I can figure out how to share my screen.


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Bruce Clay

Oct 28, 2022, 10:11:03 AM10/28/22
Robert et. al.

Thanks for your help.  INSTALL was the right answer.  When I used INSTALL for all of the sub projects things started coming together.

I was able to build osg2vsg though it has one build error in the vsgwithosg subproject.  I had to add '#include <osg/state> to GLSemaphore.h to get it to build

vsgXchange built ok but subproject vsgconv had link errors.  libpng and zlib are required by freetype.  After I added them to the VS solution vsgconv built ok

however - I was not able to include assimp in vsgXchange  which is a major need for me.  I set the path in cmake to where my assimp project is but it was reset to not found.  I could not find a assimp.cmake in the vsgXchange project so I could not point to that 


Robert Osfield

Oct 28, 2022, 10:56:17 AM10/28/22
On Fri, 28 Oct 2022 at 15:11, Bruce Clay <> wrote:
Robert et. al.

Thanks for your help.  INSTALL was the right answer.  When I used INSTALL for all of the sub projects things started coming together.

I would appreciate suggestions for improvements to docs to help Windows users avoid missing things like INSTALL.  As I'm not a VS/Windows users I can't guide this, or know what the problems/assumptions are first hand.

I was able to build osg2vsg though it has one build error in the vsgwithosg subproject.  I had to add '#include <osg/state> to GLSemaphore.h to get it to build

Could you generate a PR for this fix?

vsgXchange built ok but subproject vsgconv had link errors.  libpng and zlib are required by freetype.  After I added them to the VS solution vsgconv built ok

Curious.  Do other Windows users have this issue with freetype?  Should the cmake find freetype script include these dependencies?

Do the vsgExamples that link with vsgXchange have this same issue?
however - I was not able to include assimp in vsgXchange  which is a major need for me.  I set the path in cmake to where my assimp project is but it was reset to not found.  I could not find a assimp.cmake in the vsgXchange project so I could not point to that 

Do you build Assimp yourself? Do you install it?

FYI, the vsgFramwork project uses CMake FetchContent to pull in various projects, such as glslang, Assimp, VSG, osg2vsg, vsgXchange, vsgImGui and vsgExamples:

The intention is that vsgFramwork can be used as template for users own projects such that they just customize things to pull in various projects they need and have them pulled in, built and installed.


Robert Osfield

Oct 29, 2022, 3:17:28 AM10/29/22
to vsg-users : VulkanSceneGraph Developer Discussion Group
I have decided that it's best to delay the VSG release by a week as haven't been able to progress through my MUST DO tasks quick enough to complete for Monday.

The big item on my TODO is the code review, and this is taking longer than I was expecting - I'm 2/3rd's the way through the headers, but only 1/4 of the whole VSG I really don't have time this weekend to complete the review.  I could just cut the code review and push out the release anyway, but as an engineer this just doesn't sit comfortably.

So rather than trying and work silly hours through the weekend I'm going to chill with the family, gets some DIY projects done, do a little tinkering on the VSG and then continue with pushing towards the 1.0 release next week.

The big positive of this short delay is this all gives you all more time for testing :-)
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