Washington Places Venezuela on the Regime Change Fast Track

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Matthew Willgress

Feb 5, 2015, 8:07:13 AM2/5/15

Venezuela: A Coup in Real Time


1) Venezuela: A Coup in Real Time is an essential article on the current situation from renowned writer Eva Golinger, which convincingly argues we need to step up our solidarity in light of the very real threats to Venezuela. Arguing that "Washington has placed Venezuela on the regime change fast track," she writes that "There is a coup underway in Venezuela. The pieces are all falling into place like a bad CIA movie. At every turn a new traitor is revealed, a betrayal is born, full of promises to reveal the smoking gun that will justify the unjustifiable. Infiltrations are rampant, rumors spread like wildfire, & the panic mentality threatens to overcome logic. Headlines scream danger, crisis and imminent demise, while the usual suspects declare covert war on a people whose only crime is being gatekeeper to the largest pot of black gold in the world."

In terms of external intervention, she points out that,"This year President Obama approved a special State Department fund of US $5 million to support anti-government groups in Venezuela. Additionally, the congressionally-funded National Endowment for Democracy is financing Venezuelan opposition groups with over US $1.2 million & aiding efforts to undermine Maduro’s government," & that "there is little doubt that millions more for regime change in Venezuela are being funneled through other channels that are not subject to public scrutiny."

She concludes that, "making Venezuela’s economy scream is without a doubt a rapidly intensifying strategy executed by foreign interests and their Venezuelan counterparts, & it’s very effective. As shortages continue & access to dollars becomes increasingly difficult, chaos & panic ensue. This social discontent is capitalized on by US agencies & anti-government forces pushing for regime change. A very similar strategy was used in Chile to overthrow socialist President Salvador Allende. First the economy was destroyed, then mass discontent grew & the military moved to oust Allende, backed by Washington at every stage. Lest we forget the result: a brutal dictatorship led by General Augusto Pinochet that tortured, assassinated, disappeared & forced into exile tens of thousands of people. Not exactly a model to replicate." Read the full piece here

2) Further reading on the serious situation in Venezuela: 

a) Joe Biden behind Venezuela destabilization plans, says President Maduro

b) Venezuela says international media campaign is precursor to US aggression as sanctions are introduced, warning “All imperialist wars have been precipitated by media campaigns such as this one, giving false information that wishes to provide the world with the justification for an intervention.”

c) Latin America Leaders Warn of Chile Style Coup in Venezuela, with President Ortega of Nicaragua saying “We see clearly that they want to repeat the same situation that took place in Chile, they are applying the same script and the want to have it end in a military coup.”

3) Lobby your MP Against US Sanctions on Venezuela - Tom Watson MP is the latest politician to sign up to our statement, joining Peter Hain MP & over 80 others. Over 1400 supporters have emailed their MP already & made a great impact so please ask yours to sign today.

For the latest news on Venezuela, follow us on social media – like us on Facebook here and follow us on Twitter here

This e-bulletin was published by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign – for more information see www.venezuelasolidarity.co.uk


Seminar - US Intervention & Destabilisation in Venezuela - Lessons of Chile & Nicaragua 
Speakers include Marcos Garcia, Venezuelan Embassy, formerly a Venezuelan diplomat in Washington & trade union leader
+ Dr. Francisco Dominguez, political refugee from the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile & co-author of 'Right Wing Politics in the New Latin America'
+ Leading Nicaraguan speaker.
Chair: Karen Mitchell, RMT & VSC.

Register online here or email in...@venezuelasolidarity.co.uk You can also help the event by: Inviting your friends on Facebook , joining the VSC or making a donation to the VSC's emergency No More Pinochets in Latin America appeal



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