FW: US Congress Approves Sanctions on Venezuela - Take 30 Seconds Today to Ask Your MP to Oppose Proposed US Sanctions!

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Matthew Willgress

Jun 4, 2014, 5:16:47 AM6/4/14
Dear friends.
Please lobby your MP today if haven't done so already.

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 10:02:41 +0200
To: mattheww...@hotmail.co.uk
From: in...@venezuelasolidarity.co.uk
Subject: US Congress Approves Sanctions on Venezuela - Take 30 Seconds Today to Ask Your MP to Oppose Proposed US Sanctions!

Hello Mathew
If you have not been able to do so already, we are writing to ask you to take 30 seconds, by entering your postcode using our handy online tool here, to ask your MP to add their name to a statement supporting the work of Latin America for peace and dialogue in Venezuela, and against the threat of US sanctions. This has become all the more urgent with the news this week that the U.S. House of Representatives, ignoring the Latin American Consensus, voted to pass sanctions against Venezuela.
This statement has had great support, including from new MPs who have been signing in response to your communication including, just this week, Rt. Hon Frank Dobson MP, Brian Donohoe MP, Stephen Hepburn MP & Catherine McKinnell MP.
We now need your help to ensure that as many more more MPs as possible sign. You can help oppose those seeking illegal ‘regime change’ and support Venezuela’s self-determination by lobbying your MP today.
We know from the MPs who have added their name in the last few days that being asked by constituents to sign is a key reason for support, so your support in asking your MP to sign is absolutely vital
Best wishes and many thanks for lobbying your MP in support of peace and dialogue in Venezuela,
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign.
PS: Please find the text of the statement we are asking MPs to sign below. Current political signatories include: 
Dave Anderson MP, Roberta Blackman-Woods MP, Jim Cunningham MP, Nic Dakin MP, Ian Davidson MP, Rt. Hon Frank Dobson MP, Brian Donohoe MP, Mark Durkan MP, Neil Findlay MSP, John Finnie MSP, Lord Anthony Gifford QC, Sheila Gilmore MP, Roger Godsiff MP, Rt. Hon. Peter Hain MP, Stephen Hepburn MP, Kelvin Hopkins MP, George Howarth MP, Cathy Jamieson MP, Bethan Jenkins AM (Welsh Assembly Member,) Darren Johnson AM (London Assembly,) Rt. Hon. Sir Gerald Kaufman MP, Jean Lambert MEP, Ian Lavery MP, John Leech MP, Alex Lowley MSP, Elfyn Llwyd MP, John McDonnell MP, Catherine McKinnell MP, Siobhan McMahon MSP, Graeme Morrice MP, Grahame Morris MP, Lord Martin O'Neill of Clackmannan, Fiona O'Donnell MP, Jenny Rathbone AM (Welsh Assembly Member,) Linda Riordan MP, RT. Hon. Dame Joan Ruddock MP, John Robertson MP, Rt. Hon. Andrew Smith MP,  Elaine Smith MSP, Mark Williams MP, Chris Williamson MP and Mike Wood MP. 
Statement Text: We the undersigned join Latin America's main regional bodies such as the Organisation of American States (by 29 votes to 3) and UNASUR (Union of South American nations) in both condemning the ongoing wave of anti-democratic violence from extreme elements of Venezuela's right-wing opposition in recent weeks, whose declared aim ('La Salida') is the ousting of the elected government, and in supporting the calls of Venezuela's elected President Nicolas Maduro for peace and dialogue.We agree with the OAS in its call for "respect for the principle of non intervention in the internal affairs of states and its commitment to the defense of democratic institutionalism of the state of law in agreement with the OAS Charter and international law," and therefore disagree with all external interference, including through any sanctions on Venezuela as proposed by some members of the US congress.We urge all parties internationally to support the efforts of UNASUR, through its commission on this issue, in working for peace and dialogue in Venezuela.
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