FW: US 'Congress moves toward new Venezuela sanctions' - Show Your Solidarity Today!

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Matthew Willgress

May 8, 2014, 10:21:59 AM5/8/14
Hello Mathew
Today's Daily Mail Online reports that the US congress is moving "towards new Venezuela sanctions" quoting US Senator Marco Rubio as saying "this is happening in our very own hemisphere" & refusing to rule out President Nicolas Maduro as a target of sanctions. This is part of an increase in US hostility towards - & intervention in - Venezuela in recent weeks, seeking to detabilise & de-legitimise the country's elected Government. You can show your solidarity by:

1) Registering for our Conference on Saturday (details below) which will open with a timely plenary on 
After Chavez, the Empire Strikes Back with contributors including writer Seumas Milne, who recently interviewed Nicolas Maduro, renowned US commentator Mark Weisbrot, Venezuelan TUC General Secretary Carlos Lopez & the Ambassador of Argentina Alicia Castro
You can register here.

2) Donating here to our Emergency Appeal for £10,000 to help us loudly say No More Pinochets in Latin America! 

3) Taking 30 Seconds to Ask Your MP to Support Peace & Dialogue in Venezuela, & Oppose Proposed US Sanctions. Use our easy online tool here to ask your MP to sign our latest statement in solidarity with Venezuela. Two further MPs have added their names today due to your emails so please do take the time to lobby your MP & encourage others to do the same!
Best wishes & many thanks for your support,
Matt Willgress, VSC National Co-ordinator

PS: The event on Saturday (details below) will be a unique opportunity to find out the latest from a range of international speakers on Venezuela. Register to attend online here or you can also register with cash/cheque on the day from 9.45am.


Saturday May 10, 10.15 - 17.00 (registration, 9.45) at University of London Union, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY. Register online here to reserve your place

With guests from Venezuela including: Carlos Lopez, Venezuelan TUC General Secretary & University Workers' Leader - Alvaro Sanchez, Venezuelan Embassy - Luis Castro, journalist & film director of Chavez - Henry Suarez, Venezuelan writer & historian - Flora Fuentes, Venezuelan student

And special Latin American guests: H.E. Esther Armenteros, Cuban Ambassador - H.E. Alicia Castro, Argentinian Ambassador- Guissell Morales-Echaverry, Nicaraguan Embassy - Ecuador speaker - Camila Mejia, FETSALUD (Nicaraguan Health Union)

Plus: Seumas Milne, writer - Mark Weisbrot, renowned US commentator on Latin America - Fran Perez, Secretary for International Solidarity of the IU in Spain - Richard Bagley, Editor Morning Star -  Maggie Bowden, Liberation General Secretary - Tony Burke, Unite Assistant General Secretary - Jeremy Corbyn MP – Luke Daniels, Caribbean Labour Solidarity - Dr. Mark Dinneen, University of Soutampton - Dr. Francisco Dominguez, Latin American Studies, Middlesex University – Sian Errington, VSC Women for Venezuela - Javier Farje, Latin America Bureau - Neil Findlay MSP, observer to Venezuelan elections - Lindsey German, Convenor, Stop the War Coalition - Philipa Harvey, NUT Senior Vice-President  - Billy Hayes, CWU General Secretary - Zita Holbourne, Black Activists Rising Against Cuts & PCS - Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary - Bethan Jenkins AM, Plaid Cymru - Peter Kavanagh, Unite London & Eastern Regional Secretary - Bruce Kent, peace campaigner & VSC patron - Aaron Kiely, NUS Black Students’ Officer & member of student delegation to Venezuela - Ellie May O'Hagan, blogger & columnist for Guardian Comment is Free - Karen Mitchell, RMT – Thomas Muhr, author, Counter-Globalization & Socialism in the 21st Century; The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Pablo Navarrete, filmmaker, Venezuela: Inside the Revolution - Barbara Ntumy, NUS Women’s Committee - Hugh O'Shaughnessy, writer & journalist - Andy De La Tour, actor - Derek Wall, Green Party International Co-ordinator - Maria Vasquez-Aguilar, Chile 40 Years On Network - Chris Williamson MP

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/611939235547212/

Register Today!

Registration is only £107 (concessions) for the day. You can register online today by clicking here or on the day from 9.45am

You can also help the event by: Inviting your friends on facebook, joining the VSC or making a donation

Organised by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign with thanks to the  initial sponsors, supporters & media partners listed above.

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