Obama Declares Venezuela a National Security Threat to U.S - Sets Sights on Regime Change with Further Sanctions

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Matthew Willgress

Mar 10, 2015, 11:11:48 AM3/10/15

Venezuela Solidarity Campaign Emergency Update, March 2015 - U.S Steps Up Aggression Against Venezuela

1) TAKE ACTION: LOBBY YOUR MP to oppose US sanctions on Venezuela here


On Monday President Obama issued an Executive Order against Venezuela interfering in the country’s sovereignty by declaring a national emergency based on arguments claiming that Venezuela is a threat to U.S national security and also ordered further sanctions against seven more Venezuelan officials. Venezuela's elected President Nicolas Maduro rejected Obama’s measure and explained the executive order coincided with a failed coup attempt last month, which had links to U.S citizens, saying “After we dismantled the coup attempt … the U.S. and President Barack Obama … decided to personally fulfill the task of ousting my government.”
Maduro further criticized Washington’s announcement by pointing out that the U.S is a bigger threat to the world & that the U.S has issued 105 statements on Venezuela over the past year, of which half were explicitly supporting opposition politicians.

The Venezuelan president reiterated calls he had made to his U.S counterpart, urging him not to take the path of intervention that his predecessors took, saying “I’ve told Mr. Obama, how do you want to be remembered? Like Richard Nixon, who ousted Salvador Allende in Chile? Like President Bush, responsible for ousting President Chavez? … Well President Obama, you already made your choice … you will be remembered like President Nixon”.
The president reiterated that the economic sabotage – used before in Allende’s Chile – was planned since July, saying sources told his government “there was a meeting in the White House, back in July … where they (U.S government and agencies) decided to launch an economic warfare.”
Maduro also reminded Venezuelans that he had warned about the coup attempts in January, whilst
Diosdado Cabello, President of the National Assembly, pointed out the contradiction of Washington's statement, given that it is “the world’s superpower.” Warning that the aggression forms part of plans to destabilise the country, he said “What has been planned, and we have to say it, are military attacks on our country," adding that "This kind of emergency resolution has been used by U.S imperialist every time they want to attack a country.”

FURTHER READING: Read the full response from President Maduro.

NEWS - Ecuador's President Calls US Sanctions a 'bad joke' saying "an executive order by Obama declaring Venezuela a national security threat and declaring a national emergency to face this threat… It must be a bad joke, which reminds us of the darkest hours of our America, when we received invasions and dictatorships imposed by imperialism… Will they understand that Latin America has changed?"

ANALYSIS - What Does Declaring a Country a 'National Security Threat' mean? Read the Telesur piece explaining what this means and why it matters.

ANALYSIS - The US Labels Venezuela a Threat While Backing Human Rights Abusers argues this piece on the hypocrisy of the US administration.

ANALYSIS - US Preparing for Military Aggression on Venezuela? This piece on Telesur argues "History shows that when the U.S. denounces a country, it is often a pretext for intervention and regime change."

ANALYSIS - Eva Golinger argues that U.S Aggression Against Venezuela is Fact Not Fiction,  giving detailed analysis of the history & context to the current U.S threats.


a) Seminar - US Intervention & Destabilisation in Venezuela: Lessons of Chile & Nicaragua, March 31, Unite House - Full details below & register online here

b) Special Film Showing - John Pilger's The War on Democracy, April 13, Bolivar Hall - With international guest speakers on the lessons of the 2002 coup in Venezuela for today - get tickets here

c) Rally for Venezuela - Celebrating 10 Years of the VSC, June 4, Hamilton House - A major event with speakers from Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia & Nicaragua plus guests including Tariq Ali, MPs, trade union leaders, peace campaigners & many more - reserve your place here

For the latest news on Venezuela, follow us on social media – like us on Facebook here and follow us on Twitter here

This e-bulletin was published by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign – for more information see www.venezuelasolidarity.co.uk


Seminar – US Intervention & Destabilisation in Venezuela - Lessons of Chile & Nicaragua
Tuesday March 31, 6.30pm, Unite House, 128 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X (nearest tube: Holborn)

With: Marcos Garcia, Venezuelan Embassy & former Venezuelan diplomat in the U.S. // Dr. Francisco Dominguez, co-author Right Wing Politics in the New Latin America // Guisell Morales, Ambassador of Nicaragua plus short film premiere of Guerra Economica: Venezuela 2013 – Chile 1972.
You can register online here

You can also help the event by: Inviting your friends on Facebook , joining the VSC or making a donation



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