Find Out What's Really Going on in Venezuela at our Upcoming Events

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Matthew Willgress

Feb 9, 2015, 7:31:32 AM2/9/15

We are delighted to announce two new events as part of our 2015 programme. Please find below four key diary dates, all of which will help you learn the truth about what is really happening in Venezuela at this important time. 
Best wishes,
Matt Willgress, VSC National Co-ordinator.
VSC National Events 2015:
1.) Richard Gott Presents The Second Annual Hugo Chávez Memorial Lecture
Thursday, February 26, 2015, 7:00pm, Bolívar Hall, 54 Grafton Way, W1T 5DL (nearest tube: Warren Street)
We are absolutely delighted that writer Richard Gott, author of Hugo Chavez & The Bolivarian Revolution, will give this lecture and H.E. Rocío Maneiro González, the new ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, will give the welcoming remarks. 
Please register in advance
here . Please invite your friends & share here
2.) SEMINAR: US Intervention & Destabilisation in Venezuela - Lessons of Chile & Nicaragua
Tuesday, March 31, 6:30pm at the Discus room, Unite House, 128 Theobalds Road, WC1X 8TN
With: Marcos Garcia, Venezuelan Embassy, formerly a Venezuelan diplomat in Washington & trade union leader, Dr. Francisco Dominguez, political refugee from the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile & co-author of 'Right Wing Politics in the New Latin America,' & Guisell Morales, the Ambassador of Nicaragua
With a UK short film premiere of "Guerra Economica: Venezuela 2013 - Chile 1972"
Recent weeks have seen US lawyer & writer Eva Golinger warn of a "coup in real time" in Venezuela as increased evidence of anti-democratic, right-wing destabilisation plans has coincided with economic sabotage & the US slapping sanctions on Venezuela. Additionally, President Correa of Ecuador has commented that “After the elections in March 1973 in Chile, the defeated bourgeoisie chose the path of economic war to overthrow Allende: stockpiling, speculation, etc,” and that “the resemblance is striking with what is happening now in Venezuela.” Come to this event to find out why & how we can offer our solidarity.
Please register in advance here. Please invite your friends & share here.
3.) FILM SHOWING: John Pilger's 'The War on Democracy' With Discussion on When the Venezuelan People Defeated the US-Backed Coup Against Hugo Chavez & The Lessons for Today
Monday April 13, 7.00pm at the Bolivar Hall, 54 Grafton Way, London, W1T 5DL.
This film showing - on the anniversary of when the Venezuelan people defeated the coup against Hugo Chavez - will be introduced by a Venezuelan speaker and a special international guest, who will also give an update on the current situation with regards to US intervention, the 'economic war' and right-wing, anti-democratic destabilisation.
John Pilger is supporting this event & says: "[The film] is about the struggle of people to free themselves from a modern form of slavery". These people, he says, "describe a world not as American presidents like to see it as useful or expendable, they describe the power of courage and humanity among people with next to nothing. They reclaim noble words like democracy, freedom, liberation, justice, and in doing so they are defending the most basic human rights of all of us in a war being waged against all of us."
Please register in advance here. Please invite your friends & share here.
4.) Rally for Venezuela - Yes to Social Progress, No to U.S. Intervention! Celebrating 10 Years of VSC
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 6:30pm, Hamilton House (NUT Headquarters), London, WC1H
An evening for Venezuela & celebrating 10 years of solidarity, with guests to include: Tariq Ali, Jeremy Corbyn MP, H.E Alicia Castro (Argentinian Ambassador,) Professor Doreen Massey, Neil Findlay MSP, Bethan Jenkins AM (Plaid Cymru), Grahame Morris MP (Labour Friends of Venezuela,) Andy De La Tour (former election observer in Venezuela,) Sandra White MSP (SNP) Dr. Francisco Dominguez, Colin Burgon (VSC,) Derek Wall (Green Party,) Chris Williamson MP & more.
Please register in advance
here . Please invite your friends & share here
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