FW: Wow. Our Campaign is Really Working - Can You Take 30 Seconds to Ask Your MP to Oppose Proposed US Sanctions?

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Matthew Willgress

Jun 22, 2014, 7:11:50 AM6/22/14

Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 10:02:29 +0200
To: mattheww...@hotmail.co.uk
From: in...@venezuelasolidarity.co.uk
Subject: Wow. Our Campaign is Really Working - Can You Take 30 Seconds to Ask Your MP to Oppose Proposed US Sanctions?

Hello Mathew
With the help of our supporters contacting their MPs, 56 leading British political figure (see list below) have signed a statement  supporting Latin America’s work for peace and dialogue in Venezuela & opposing proposed US sanctions on Venezuela
If your MP is not yet on this list, please take 30 seconds to ask your MP to add their name by using our easy online tool here.- thanks to everyone for your support so far, lets keep sending a strong message for peace & dialogue & against external intervention!
Best wishes,
Matt Willgress, VSC National Co-ordinator
List: of Political Signatories:
  1. Dave Anderson MP,
  2. William Bain MP,
  3. Roberta Blackman-Woods MP,
  4. Katy Clark MP,
  5. Jeremy Corbyn MP,
  6. Mike Crockart MP,
  7. Jim Cunningham MP,
  8. Nic Dakin MP,
  9. Ian Davidson MP,
  10. Rt. Hon Frank Dobson MP,
  11. Brian Donohoe MP,
  12. Mark Durkan MP,
  13. Neil Findlay MSP,
  14. John Finnie MSP,
  15. George Galloway MP,
  16. Lord Anthony Gifford QC,
  17. Sheila Gilmore MP,
  18. Roger Godsiff MP,
  19. Tom Greatrex MP,
  20. Nia Griffith MP,
  21. Rt. Hon. Peter Hain MP,
  22. Stephen Hepburn MP,
  23. Kate Hoey MP,
  24. Jim Hood MP,
  25. Kelvin Hopkins MP,
  26. George Howarth MP,
  27. Glenda Jackson MP,
  28. Cathy Jamieson MP,
  29. Bethan Jenkins AM (Welsh Assembly Member,)
  30. Darren Johnson AM (London Assembly,)
  31. Rt. Hon. Sir Gerald Kaufman MP,
  32. Jean Lambert MEP,
  33. Ian Lavery MP,
  34. John Leech MP,
  35. Alex Lowley MSP,
  36. Elfyn Llwyd MP,
  37. John McDonnell MP,
  38. Catherine McKinnell MP,
  39. Siobhan McMahon MSP,
  40. Graeme Morrice MP,
  41. Grahame Morris MP,
  42. Ian Murray MP,
  43. Lord Martin O’Neill of Clackmannan,
  44. Fiona O’Donnell MP,
  45. Sandra Osborne MP,
  46. Jenny Rathbone AM (Welsh Assembly Member,)
  47. Lord Nic Rea,
  48. Linda Riordan MP,
  49. RT. Hon. Dame Joan Ruddock MP,
  50. John Robertson MP,
  51. Rt. Hon. Andrew Smith MP,
  52. Elaine Smith MSP,
  53. Jean Urquhart MSP,
  54. Mark Williams MP,
  55. Chris Williamson MP
  56. Mike Wood MP
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