Antonello's talk - performance comparisons

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Ross Gayler

no llegida,
15 de nov. 2021, 16:07:1315/11/21
a VSACommunity
Hi Antonello,

Carrying on from our conversation: it might be worth trying to recast the performance analysis in terms of Signal Detection Theory -



Friedrich Sommer

no llegida,
15 de nov. 2021, 16:33:4315/11/21
a Ross Gayler,VSACommunity
Sorry we missed Antonella's talk, somehow did not see an announcement mail.

So just commenting on Ross's comment in total ignorance of Antonella's talk:
The connection between VSA capacity analysis and signal detection theory has been made in our 2018 paper:


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Antonello Rosato

no llegida,
16 de nov. 2021, 4:03:0216/11/21
a Ross Gayler,VSACommunity
Dear Ross,
thank you very much for this information, I will definitely look into it and see if I can find some appropriate datasets to redo the tests in these terms.

Antonello Rosato
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
DIET Dept., University of Rome "La Sapienza"

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Antonello Rosato

no llegida,
16 de nov. 2021, 4:07:1716/11/21
a Friedrich Sommer,VSACommunity
Dear Friedrich,
thank you for sharing that paper.
I am not sure I see the specific connection with the performance analysis Ross was commenting on, but there are some insights that I think are useful for distributed learning problems.
I will look into it and see what I can find.

Antonello Rosato
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
DIET Dept., University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Ross Gayler

no llegida,
16 de nov. 2021, 16:39:0816/11/21
a Antonello Rosato,Friedrich Sommer,VSACommunity
Hi Fritz,

Just supporting Antonello's last email:

My original comment about Signal Detection Theory was intended as a suggestion concerning a technical issue in assessing the performance comparison of multiple differing implementations of classification systems.

He had been comparing the performance in terms of accuracy of classification. The predicted classifications were generated from a per class "score" and application of winner-takes-all to the set of scores.
This reminded me of the conceptual model of SDT where there is a per-class distribution of scores on an underlying decision dimension. The discriminability of the classes is conceptualised as the separation of the respective distributions.
Decision making (classification) is treated separately in terms of setting decision thresholds on the decision dimension, or in this case, comparing the current samples from each distribution to find the maximum.
In psychology, the original motivation for using SDT, was that it separated the perceptual process (discriminability) from the decision process (selecting quantised outcomes).
Accuracy, as a measure, conflates the perceptual and decision processes, so might hide trends in the discriminability arising from the different implementations.
So my suggestion was aimed at a possible methodological improvement of the analysis - analysing the performance in terms of separation of class-specific distributions of "scores" *might* be more revealing than analysing accuracy.



Friedrich Sommer

no llegida,
16 de nov. 2021, 16:54:1916/11/21
a Ross Gayler,Antonello Rosato,VSACommunity
Hi guys,

The reference I sent makes specifically the connection between VSA decoding and signal detection theory.
Antonello apparently talked about comparing different classification methods, and obviously, SDT can be applied as well.
Sorry for sending my email with a lack of background...

Best, Fritz 

Ross Gayler

no llegida,
16 de nov. 2021, 17:18:3516/11/21
a Friedrich Sommer,Antonello Rosato,VSACommunity
FS> The reference I sent makes specifically the connection between VSA decoding and signal detection theory.

That will be very useful (and will have proper maths, unlike my hand waving).

I also managed to muddy the water in my question in the talk, by bringing in a practical applications theme:
Antonello's work concerns distributed learning in IoT devices.
I proposed that taking an SDT view suggests separating discrimination (learning) from decision-making.
If the perceptual properties of the classes are constant across sites there is value in distributing learning across the IoT devices so that they benefit from each others' experience.
However, if the base rates (or the payoff matrix) of the classes vary across IoT sites, it would  be better to have the decision process vary by site (i.e. introduce site-specific class biases).



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