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Fwd: AB 1914 - Notice of opposition

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Henny Kupferstein

Feb 6, 2024, 1:40:22 PM2/6/24
ATTN Scheduler, Nina

Please confirm a meeting time with Assemblymember Grayson. Our opposition has been filed in the portal today. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Henny Kupferstein <>
Date: Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Subject: AB 1914 - Notice of opposition
To: <>, <>
Cc: Daniel Savino <>, <>, <>

ATTN Analysts,

I am writing to express my partial support for AB 1914, as it presents an opportunity to improve the standard of care for individuals with developmental disabilities (DD/ID). As an autistic adult, I am intimately aware of the daily challenges faced by those like me who navigate life without adequate support. I am willing to offer my testimony and consultations to your team to help shape this legislation positively. Human Services must also hear this bill, to ensure the welfare of the DD/ID people affected by this initiative.

I have significant concerns regarding the final sentence of this bill. It states that individuals with the certificate will be called "well-trained providers of care for individuals with developmental disabilities." This terminology essentially replicates a standardized profession already recognized in the state. Unfortunately, a similar situation occurred with SB 805 in California, where the term "behavior therapist" was diluted to include anyone with a high-school diploma. AB 1914 seems to aim at providing help from "certified" care providers, but the standards for this certification remain unclear and indistinguishable from existing certifications.

The bill states, "In developing the model curriculum, the chancellor’s office shall consult with individuals and organizations with expertise in providing care to individuals with developmental disabilities and the training of practitioners for that task."

My opposition to this bill stems from the fact that developing any curriculum, as per industry standards, costs a minimum of $18 million. The bill, as currently worded, does not seem to involve expert curriculum designers in the development process. Instead, it places the responsibility on those who are "providing care" to consult with the chancellor. I firmly believe that this approach needs revision, and I urge you to consider contracting with experienced curriculum scientists and academic experts. As an autistic scientist and experienced policy analyst, my goal is to ensure a safe transition from unregulated standards to well-defined, trained standards while mitigating harm to autistic individuals.

At its current state, this bill appears to be expensive and, regrettably, more focused on recycling existing concepts rather than innovating to address the pressing needs of our community. I kindly ask that you reach out to me to schedule a meeting. I am a subject matter expert, and I am eager to contribute to the bill's analysis to make it more effective and impactful for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss these concerns further.


Henny Kupferstein, Ph.D.  

Boyd, Nina

Feb 6, 2024, 1:54:15 PM2/6/24
to Henny Kupferstein,

Good morning Dr. Kupferstein,

Thank you for your call and for sending over this email. I'll check on this meeting request and let you know as soon as I can,



Nina Boyd


Office of Assemblymember Timothy Grayson

15th Assembly District

1021 O Street, Suite 5510

(916) 319-2015

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