problem with rc mode + bluetooth + gamepad + continuos sound

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Aug 1, 2020, 6:25:34 PM8/1/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum

Hello, this is my first post here in the group.

First, I want to congratulate Steve for the fantastic hexapod. I've assembled other thingverse robots (Otto and smars), but a hexapod has always been my consumption dream ; D

Well, I carried out the assembly with components that I purchased in China. Everything worked out, the hexapod works in STOP, ADJ and TST modes. However I have a problem with the RC.

The HC-05 modules of both the robot and the gamepad are in UART 34800 and are already connected. The problem occurs when I click on a gamepad button. As can be seen, it emits a continuous sound (very irritating) and I have to turn it off and on again in stop mode. I have already followed all the procedures on the debugging tips topic: UART speed, wiring, battery and etc. I would be very grateful if someone could help me.

Aug 2, 2020, 6:46:21 AM8/2/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum
I upload the code again in the robot and gamepad. Now, the four positions (front, back, right and left) work. But, if I press another button (the top yellow or some of de 4x4 matrix), the robot freeze and emits that continuous sound.
Even if the directional buttons are working, the robot randomly stops working.
Any suggestions as to what this problem might be?


Aug 2, 2020, 10:31:14 AM8/2/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum

I requested access to the video. You should post it without requiring permissions in the future.

You mention that it works in STOP, ADJ, and TST modes, and you say it doesn't work in RC mode, but you don't mention DEMO mode. Does the robot work in DEMO mode?

From your description (and assuming it does work in demo mode) it sounds like an HC05 issue. If the robot receives bad packets (or packets at the wrong speed, etc.) then it will chirp. If it gets a continuous stream of bad packets it will chirp constantly. Since I have not been able to see the video yet, I don't know for sure whether the noises you describe are the bad packet chirp or one of the other error indicators.  One major cause of bad packets would be if you reversed the TX and RX leads on either or both of the HC05 modules, or if one of the TX or RX leads on one or both modules was simply bad (i.e. the jumper is not making a good connection). A bad lead will "float" meaning random data will be received, and those data will all be bad packets. there are other possible causes but that's the most likely one if you're certain you configured the modules correctly.

Hope this helps,
Steve P.


Aug 2, 2020, 10:32:24 AM8/2/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum
This additional information makes it seem more likely that you have a bad wire on tx/rx of one or both modules. The robot might work for a while then the wire shakes loose and starts transmitting bad packets.

Aug 2, 2020, 2:22:22 PM8/2/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum
Hi, I forgot to modify the permissions of the video, sorry.

And yes, the robot works in the DEMO mode. I forgot to mention this mode.

I will  check all the wires, and especially the bluetooth, and post the result. I thank you for your help.

Aug 2, 2020, 3:26:40 PM8/2/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum
Hello, I checked all the wires again, tested the continuity with multimeter and apparently everything is ok.

To isolate the gamepad, I tested the communication with the android app ( And the behavior is the same:  I can connect the cell phone with the robot, I can use the 4 movements, however, if I press any button on the matrix, the continuous beep appears.

Sometimes, even with the gamepad turned off and the phone's bluetooth turned off, if I turn the robot on in RC mode, it starts with the continuous beep.

Aug 2, 2020, 4:54:51 PM8/2/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum
Other RC-related errors ;(
As you can see, all other modes work. However, when I put the RC (gamepad off) the robot will lock, not working in other modes.

After the above behavior, there is this:
he keeps emitting this beep (which I don't know what it means). Leaving it off for a while, it works again.

Will it be a problem on the Arduino nano or PCA9685?


Aug 2, 2020, 6:19:50 PM8/2/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum

I finally got a look at the video. The 4x4 matrix that you're using is not the same as mine. The markings for the switch numbers are running vertically instead of horizontally. It may have an entirely different pinout than the one I'm using (which is blue).

That means you may actually be shorting out the nano by simply pressing a 4x4 matrix button. You would have to read the schematic and probably switch around half the wires to make it work, and it may also require different programming than the one I use. The one I use is marked YL-102 and looks like this:


Notice that the switch numbers are marked K1, K2, etc across horizontally when the pins are oriented toward the bottom as shown. Note the marking YL-102 in the lower right corner. (Although you can't see it from this picture angle, the pins are numbered 1 through 8 from left to right).

This is actually the first time anyone used an incompatible button matrix, so I am upgrading the wiki now to include this additional information.

I feel like this is probably your major issue.

Another issue might be that the batteries you're using look like they might be cheep chinese knock-offs. Those often cause the robot to stop working randomly, especially when its doing stressful moves, because they have overly sensitive cutoff circuits. But, replace the button matrix first, or figure out the correct sequence of wiring for the one you have.

Aug 3, 2020, 10:46:18 AM8/3/20
to Vorpal Robotics Forum
Hello again,

Here de image
I enabled the debugging of the gamepad and here is the output of each button in my matrix:

SW  -  OUTPUT in serial monitor 1 click/ 2 click
S13 - W1s/X1s
S9 - W2s/X2s
S5 - W3s/X3s
S1 - W4s/X4s

S14 - D1s/Y1s
S10 - D2s/Y2s
S6 - D2s/Y2s
S2 - D2s/Y2s

S15 - F2s/Z2s
S11 - F2s/Z2s
S7 - F2s/Z2s
S3 - F2s/Z2s

Based on the output of the serial monitor, I believe that this matrix is ​​compatible with yours.

Another thing is that, according to the other videos I put in the topic above, the error happens even without pressing on the matrix, or gamepad turn off, or using the matrix of the android app.

I will check the battery issue. Although it is written made in japan, I will connect the robot directly to a 5v adjustable power supply and then post here the result.


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