FLL Challenge Championship dates are confirmed.

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Dec 12, 2022, 5:03:45 PM12/12/22
to Volunteer for PAL
Thank you to all of the volunteers who made the FLL Challenge Qualifier tournaments a success. The teams had a great time and we hope you did too! 

As the year comes to an end, we would like to wish you a happy and safe holiday season. May 2023 bring good health, joy and prosperity to one and all. Thank you for being a Playing at Learning and FIRST volunteer, we are very grateful for your continued support. 

The 2022-23 FLL Challenge championships will take place on January 15th and February 19th.
If you are available to join the fun, we would love to see you there! 

January 15th - Castro Valley High School - Sign up.
February 19th - Palo Alto High School - Sign up.

Thank you for helping inspire kids in STEM, 
Jill, Hiba and Nicki

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