Issue 110 in void-impl: Implications of DCAT for VoID and SPARQL-SD

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Nov 28, 2013, 9:38:29 AM11/28/13
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Product-vocab

New issue 110 by Implications of DCAT for VoID and

This was raised by Tim Lebo via email. Quoting Tim:

I was having another read of
which says:

:DBpedia a void:Dataset;
void:sparqlEndpoint <>;

Note: In some SPARQL endpoints, named graphs are used to partition the
data. Currently VoID doesn't provide a dedicated way of stating that a
dataset is contained in a specific named graph. This kind of information
can be provided in a SPARQL Service Description, as described below.

and then defers to
which doesn't mention the ":DBPedia" from the more simple description above.

While I agree with the alignment that you describe between VoID and SD, I
find that a "pure SD" description loses the "dataset focus" since one needs
to dig "backwards" through a bit of subgraph structuring to find out where,
exactly, the dataset resides.

Perhaps the following description would be a more direct way to state, as
you say, "a dataset is contained in a specific named graph.":

a void:Dataset;
dcterms:title "DBpedia";
foaf:homepage <>;
void:triples 1000000000;

dcat:distribution [
a sd:NamedGraph;
sd:name <> ;
prov:atLocation <>; # Where,
the understanding is that there is some [ a sd:Service; sd:endpoint
<> ]

I was wondering if any of you find objection to this modeling, since I've
come to like its directness.

Also, since I'm introducing dcat, perhaps void:dataDump should be
deprecated in favor of dcat:distribution [ dcat:downloadURL ] (which, I
guess goes against the desire for directness…)

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