New issue 103 by foaf:homepage IFP
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. <#DBPediaDataset> a void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> .
2. <#DBPediaProject> a foaf:Organization ; foaf:homepage
<> .
3. Perform OWL reasoning.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: <#DBPediaDataset> owl:differentFrom <#DBPediaProject> .
Actual: <#DBPediaDataset> owl:sameAs <#DBPediaProject> .
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Please provide any additional information below.
Google Code's template bug report is really unhelpful for void.
The problem is using foaf:homepage, an IFP to link to a dataset's homepage.
What if somebody else decides that the URL is the foaf:homepage of an
organization, or, god forbid, a person. The dataset is not owl:sameAs the
project. (For example, while the dataset and project probably both have a
creation date, the project's creation date probably precedes the dataset's
creation date.)
Perhaps worth stating the obvious, ie. that a single project or
organization could have multiple datasets?
It may be explicitly warned about, but the only example given of a
foaf:homepage for a dataset, is <> which seems like a
potentially ambiguous one.
What other entity that is distinct from the DBpedia dataset could possibly
have <> as its homepage?