Richard Cyganiak
unread,May 8, 2012, 12:01:23 PM5/8/12Sign in to reply to author
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to, Christoph Boehm, Gregory Williams, Michael Martin
Hi all,
The VoID Guide [1] has been published as a SWIG Note more than a year ago. A lot has happened since:
• VoID has seen quite a bit of deployment
• SPARQL 1.1 has made tremendous progress, incl. SPARQL SD [2]
• SPARQL Update is getting more and more traction
• Other W3C groups are publishing drafts in closely related fields
• PROV-WG's work [3]
• GLD-WG's DCAT [4]
• The Linked Data Platform WG [5] will be starting soon
• Major work has happened around statistics for RDF datasets, e.g.:
• LOD-Stats [6]
• Böhm et al's work on creating VoID descriptions on web scale [7]
And, of course, we have quite a number of things that we postponed [8] to a future version since we didn't have enough time (or enough practical experience) to address them
Long story short, it might be time to think about re-starting the group's work, and commence work on an updated document. Call it VoID 2.1, or VoID 3.0, or whatever.
I'd be interested to hear what people here think about this. Is it a good idea? Would you contribute? Or is it too early and should we let the ecosystem around VoID develop a bit more before thinking about an update?
And if you want to see work on the next VoID update happen: How to organize the work? For VoID 2.0, we used this mailing list at Google Groups [8] and a Google Code project [9] plus ad-hoc Skype calls between the four editors. Is this ok going forward, or should the process be opened up to broader participation, e.g. via a W3C Community Group [10]?