vDDoS Proxy Protection is free software to provide a Reverse Proxy Server HTTP(S) protocols. It act as a Layer 7 Firewall Filter & Mitigate DOS, DDOS, SYN Floods, or HTTP Floods attack to protect your website.
By default WPTangToc OLS uses OpenLiteSpeed running on port 80, 443. We can reconfigure these Webservers to listen on another port so that vDDoS can proxy on them.
cp /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf.vddosbak sed -i 's/*:80/*:88/g' /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf sed -i 's/*:443/*:999/g' /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf
Restart OpenLiteSpeed:
service lsws restart ; sleep 10 ; service lsws restart
vDDoS Auto Add is a addon support for vDDoS Proxy Protection - Monitor Domains/Aliasdomains/Subdomains in Panel Hosting, Web Server, List Domain, Virtual Host... and automatically add them into the website.conf file.
vDDoS Auto Switch is a addon support for vDDoS Proxy Protection - Automatically identifies overloaded websites and changes their Security Mode.
nano /vddos/auto-switch/setting.conf
# This is the default configuration for "sensor-switch.sh" and "vddos-autoswitch.sh"
hostname="vDDoS Master" #(Name this server, it will show up in Email notifications)
vddos_master_slave_mode="no" #(Turn on "yes" if your system has slave servers, want to sync affter switch like master) backend_url_check="no" #(Put the URL of the backend. Ex: (make sure Backend status response is "200"))
maximum_allowable_delay_for_backend=2 #(Means: If Backend (status response "200") is slower than 2s, vDDoS will enable challenge mode) maximum_allowable_delay_for_website=2 #(Means: If Website (status response "200") is slower than 2s, vDDoS will enable challenge mode)
default_switch_mode_not_attack="no" #(Default Mode vDDoS use when it's not under attacked) default_switch_mode_under_attack="high" #(Default Mode vDDoS use when it's under attack) default_waiting_time_to_release="60" #(For example 60 minutes, release time from challenge)