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Feb 29, 2020, 5:59:13 PM2/29/20
to Diễn đàn Hỏi đáp: Domain, Hosting, VPS, Server... - Võ Duy dot Com
I have a problem I get this message on any hosted site, only on the subdomain it's ok.
Apache is functioning normally

The second problem is if I can use nginx_apache with vddos
Because I get error between ports.

Võ Duy dot Com (ncc660)

Feb 29, 2020, 9:08:15 PM2/29/20
to Diễn đàn Hỏi đáp: Domain, Hosting, VPS, Server... - Võ Duy dot Com
Please attach the image or error code you see
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Mar 2, 2020, 2:45:53 AM3/2/20
to Diễn đàn Hỏi đáp: Domain, Hosting, VPS, Server... - Võ Duy dot Com
Hi, I solved the above problem but I still have a question.
I want 5s to be default and captcha to be in attack.
Is the code below good?

echo '*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch checkalldomain captcha' >> /etc/crontab
echo '0 */3 * * * root /usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch flushalldomain /vddos/conf.d/website.conf 5s' >> /etc/crontab

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