Unsupported repository type: graphdb:FreeSailRepository while creating project in VocBench and GraphDB Free version 10.2.1

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Singh Anuj

Feb 15, 2024, 3:15:06 AMFeb 15
to vocbench-user


I am trying to create a project in VocBench (11.4.0) where I want to keep the data store to a remote GraphDB Free version 10.2.1. However, this gives me an exception

Supplied repository configuration is invalid: Unsupported repository type: graphdb:FreeSailRepository

org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.RDFParseException: Supplied repository configuration is invalid: Unsupported repository type: graphdb:FreeSailRepository at org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.client.SPARQLProtocolSession.execute(SPARQLProtocolSession.java:1051) at org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.client.SPARQLProtocolSession.executeNoContent(SPARQLProtocolSession.java:1018) at org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.client.RDF4JProtocolSession.createRepository(RDF4JProtocolSession.java:343) at org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.manager.RemoteRepositoryManager.addRepositoryConfig(RemoteRepositoryManager.java:312) at it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.project.ProjectManager.createProject(ProjectManager.java:1608) at it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.services.core.Projects.createProject(Projects.java:282) at it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.services.core.Projects$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$b203df2e.invoke(<generated>) at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(MethodProxy.java:204) at

I am using the following configuration in VocBench in CreateProject page:

Repository Access - CreateRemote - http://localhost:7200

Data Repository ID - test_remote_repo_core              Configuration - GraphDB Free (remote only)

I tried the same configuration again but this time with GraphDB Free version 9.5.0 and it worked, I was able to create project in VocBench and put the data store/ repository of that project in GraphDB Free version 9.5.0.

I noticed that in GraphDB Free version 10.2.1, the repository type is graphdb:SailRepository, while in GraphDB free 9.5.0 the repository type is graphdb:FreeSailRepository. I think, this could be the reason why I was not able to create project in VocBench and put the data store in GraphDB Free version 10.2.1?

Would this be handled in the upcoming releases of VocBench or is there another way of using GraphDB Free version 10.x.x with VocBench to store project data?

Kind regards


Einar Clementz

Feb 15, 2024, 4:51:16 AMFeb 15
to vocbench-user
Hi Anuj.

You need to use a specific version of GraphDB. 9.8.1 
It is given in the system admin guide. https://vocbench.uniroma2.it/doc/sys/ In section Separate Triple Store. Use the link there to download the given version. You run it by command line. 
And java version you also need to observe. 
Then things work nice together. 



Armando Stellato

Feb 15, 2024, 6:07:49 AMFeb 15
to Einar Clementz, vocbench-user

Thanks Einar,


to add a few details for Anuj and everybody else reading. GDB 10.x introduces a few changes for which an update of VB was necessary. Now, this update has been developed and is ready since November, but we experienced issues with the migration (already mentioned in past msgs here and there in this group).

This is due to some missing aspects in the migration process (from 9.x to 10.x) that GDB runs on its own data and that are necessary when repositories are configured with custom RDF4J sails (as VocBench requires for some of its advanced features such as History, Validation, Trivial Inferencing, etc..)

We are liaising with Ontotext who is kindly supporting on this, however there are still a few issues to fix. This is the reason we have not yet released a version 12 of VocBench.

Releasing a version with data migration issues and a caveat “for new instances only” would only cause confusion among users.


Anyway, we hope to be near the end of this and we kindly ask your patience, which I’m sure will be repaid by the many other improvements (it’s a major reengineering at the architectural level) present in this version.


One note about the type of repository. This is a nice evolution that GDB underwent with version 10.x. Now there is no difference in the sails depending on free vs licenses version. So a repository can be started with an unlicensed GDB (which will work as a “free” version) and later on, when the user want to move to a license, it will suffice to prompt the license and all existing repositories will continue to work, just in licensed mode. This explains what you experienced: simply GDB 10.x now creates a generic graphdb:SailRepository that works well with both licensed and unlicensed instances of GDB.

In any case, this aspect will be taken into account by the updated migration procedures of GDB (it already does in normal GDB installations, however the custom configurations of VB were not recognized by the migration procedure) so, when everything has been sorted out, you won’t need to take care of anything and GDB will update everything from your past installations.


Kind regards,




P.S: if you tried a repository on GDB 10.x, I suggest you do not simply reuse it with GDB 9.x as some things may have still be touched by the migration procedure. Take the original one (I suppose you did a backup before trying out GDB 10.2.1) and use it on GDB 9.x (as Einar suggested, you can use our link to GDB 9.8.1)





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