Jira Collaboration endpoint configuration => connection failure

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Stephane Schneider

Jul 16, 2024, 4:21:35 AM (11 days ago) Jul 16
to vocbench-user

Does anyone use task/ticket management with JIRA? I'm trying to connect JIRA with our Vocbench instance without success.

I followed the procedure (https://vocbench.uniroma2.it/doc/user/collab_platform.jsf) indicated on the site:
=> creation of a Jira API key;
        => In vocbench, I fill in Server URL(<https://site-url.atlassian.net/> , username, Token/MdP.
Despite this, vocbench refuses to connect (timeout).

- Did I make a mistake in the settings ?
- Any feedback on this point that would make me say it works for others ?
- Do I need a paid subscription to Jira ?

I'm  able to communicate with the Jira API REST (ex: "https://site-url.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/project/search) using simple curl requests (project lists, issue lists, etc.) .

(I haven't tried with Freedcamp but why not, if it works)

Thanks a lot

Stephane S.


Jul 16, 2024, 10:00:34 AM (11 days ago) Jul 16
to Stephane Schneider, vocbench-user

Dear Stephane,


I confirm it worked in my case (just re-tested) so either there is some mistake in the procedure you followed or still it could be an issue with some JIRA installations.


At the time of the last update of the connector, it was tested on two different environments:

  1. JIRA server-on-premise installation, using username and password
  2. JIRA cloud installation, using the token


Personally, I could re-test it now only with the standard JIRA cloud solution as I had no JIRA server installation to test.

From the shape of the URL you are giving me, I suppose you are also using a cloud solution.


Now, pardon me for the trivial question: when you say https://site-url.atlassian.net/ you are typing a generic address where site-url is an anonymization of your specific JIRA cloud service subdomain right?

To be clear, ours is: https://art-uniroma2.atlassian.net/ ; do you have one of your own? As you are saying that you could create a token and that calls to the API work, I suppose this is the case so, once again, pardon me for the trivial question


Still, to follow your procedure step by step, how did you proceed, you put only the server url or filled also Jira Project Key and Jira Project Id?

Now, the following scenarios happened:


  1. I put the Proj Key and Proj ID yet from the initial form. It works and the project is connected
  2. I do not put them (so only the server URL and later my userID (the email) and token (pls check to use the correct one on: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens ). I’m presented as the site shows with the list of available projects, then I choose one and it works
  3. I click on the create (symbol “+”) button. In this case I got a connection exception: "'accountId' must be the only user identifying query parameter in GDPR strict mode.". This must be some breaking-change due to the introduction of GDPR regulations (indeed I thought we send only the accountID, but the issue could be that we are using, internally, the email in place of the accountID)


The broken situation in scenario 3 is not a big issue: you only need to create the project in JIRA first and then you can connect it from VocBench. We will fix it in the future.

About your case, if you confirm that you followed the same steps as in my details (another triviality: pls check that the account you use from VB is the same one that, in JIRA, has that API Token), well, we need to investigate more. About the paid/non-paid I should check. Roughly, if you are able to use API Tokens and you can create projects and you can log in, I’d say everything’s fine, whichever subscription you have.


Kind Regards,













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Jul 19, 2024, 4:53:39 AM (8 days ago) Jul 19
to Stephane Schneider, vocbench-user

Dear Stephane,


I would like to help, but “has been done correctly” doesn’t help me to help ;-)


In my email there are a few questions that you left unreplied (I supposed you are using cloud JIRA, do you confirm? Which of the three scenario did you follow?, etc..), so at least it helps to understand which scenario we are in, also to discard possible things to check.


One thing about your question (and again, apologies if you hear trivial questions): you produced a API token (which in the past was called API Key, that’s why the mismatch in the form). If you are using the cloud JIRA you must put the API Token (the one that has been associated to your account, you can’t use an API Token produced by a colleague of yours). Last time I checked on the server instance (I don’t have any to check now) it was based instead on password but that field in the form would cover both cases: you just have to prompt the right one.


Kind Regards,




P.S. pls reply in-list. This is maintained in kind, and the only pay-back is that it goes to the benefit of the community






From: Stephane Schneider <stephane54...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2024 10:37 AM
To: stel...@uniroma2.it
Subject: Message privé sur le sujet suivant : [vocbench-user] Jira Collaboration endpoint configuration => connection failure


Thank you Armando,

Yes of course, everything you mentioned has been done correctly.

Is there any problem with the password format ? :
The format required in vocbench is :

=>  API Key Jira/password 


Do you confirm ?

Thanks stephane

Stephane Schneider

Jul 21, 2024, 3:24:08 AM (6 days ago) Jul 21
to vocbench-user
Dear Armando,

Yes, I use a specific JIRA Cloud url like yours, i. e. ex:  https://inist-jira.atlassian.net/   
The VB email and the Jira userId  are the same and I tested the procedure with project specification (key and id).

Maybe my token is not correctly constructed? I get it from Jira and add my password as requested in the VB window  =>  token/password

is this correct?

if ok I don't see the issue

Thanks for your kind help


Stephane Schneider

Jul 21, 2024, 3:24:12 AM (6 days ago) Jul 21
to vocbench-user
Dear Armando,

Yes, I use a specific JIRA Cloud url like yours, i. e. ex:  https://inist-jira.atlassian.net/  
The VB email and the Jira userId  are the same and I tested the procedure with project specification (key and id).

Maybe my token is not correctly constructed? I get it from Jira and add my password as requested in the VB window  =>  token/password

is this correct?

if ok I don't see the issue

Thanks for your kind help


Le mardi 16 juillet 2024 à 16:00:34 UTC+2, stel...@uniroma2.it a écrit :
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