> batch convert the vdatb to sdatb
You could use the following IronPython script inside VNA Tools:
# Michael Wollensack METAS - 07.11.2022
import clr
from System.IO import Directory
from System.IO import DirectoryInfo
from System.IO import File
from System.IO import FileInfo
from System.IO import SearchOption
from System.Threading import Thread
from System.Windows.Forms import MessageBox
from Metas.Vna.Tools import Script
s = Script(RootPath)
inputdir = RootPath + '\\SOLT_01_out'
outputdir = RootPath + '\\SOLT_01_out_sdatb'
di = DirectoryInfo(inputdir)
fis = di.GetFiles('*.vdatb', SearchOption.AllDirectories)
for fi in fis:
print fi.FullName.replace(inputdir + '\\', '')
fi2 = FileInfo(fi.FullName.replace(inputdir, outputdir).replace('.vdatb','.sdatb'))
# Load Data (vdatb)
d = s.LoadSParamData(fi.FullName)
# Save Data (sdatb)
s.SaveSParamData(fi2.FullName, d)
> modify analyzedrift to use vdatb
modify the following line
%% Load data
d = dir([datadir '\*.sdatb']);
%% Load data d = dir([datadir '\*.vdatb']);
> Why did it save in this format when other times error corrected data is stored in sdatb?
I guess that you collected S-parameters and the switch terms at once. Then the raw data will be stored as vdatb.