Hi Michael,
I copied your code into a new VNATools script changing only
'ASRL3::INSTR' with 'COM7' and setting the proper baudrate. I do not have any error, so it seems to work.
Anyway I do not understand how to write commands or read an answer to and from the serial port.
I tried with vi.Write("reset") and
vi.WriteLine("reset") (the standard pyvisa commands) but they do not work. I cannot find any documentation online searching for ivi.visa and ironpython...
My serial instrument is controlled by and Arduino device, so this is the device I want to talk to.
With pyserial it is very easy, but I am not able to do the same inside the VNATools environment...
I am sorry but I am a so inexperienced programmer!
Could you please point me to the right direction?
Thank you,