New and Improved brochure on the Website for VLA-Shakespeare

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G.Robin Smith

Nov 1, 2010, 12:09:15 PM11/1/10
Hello Friends:-)

re: my brainchild for the Mt. Rushmore area.
 "The Black Hills Shakespeare Festival"

The basic brochure I sent out as a PDF is now improved with a number of tweaks, although the basic format remains the same.
 The new one can be seen in the 'Files' section. It's named 'VLA-Shakespeare Brochure 2'

My Goal is to print and mail this out to about 100 Chambers of Commerce, Theatres, Arts Centers, Politicians, etc. along with an introductory letter (based on the 'Introduction' page on the above mentioned Website.) I hope to do that early next week.

I am very excited about the positive potential this could bring to the Black Hills region and for Shakespeare Studies Worldwide.

Please look over the files and give me your feedback by Wednesday the 3rd so I can incorporate your thoughts into the material to be sent out. (You will need to sign up for the Website to have access.)

Thanks, and I will keep you informed as to any developments.

Best, Robin
G.Robin Smith - Fundraiser/Writer/Playwright 
IMDB Resume:
Member: Northwest Development Officers Association
Member: National Writers Union
Member: Northwest Screenwriters Guild (See Multimedia page for links to, well, Multimedia Ben)

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