Helping GR Prep for his "Audition" for a General Manager of a Shakespeare Company

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G.Robin Smith

2012年7月22日 21:12:372012/7/22
收件人 Black Hills Shakespeare Festival
Greetings Cymbric, Chris, Kristen, Kat, Erin, Amber & Niall.

I am speaking with a Shakespeare Festival ( I am interested in becoming its General Manager (or Artistic Director - both sides interest me). I need to polish my 'pitch' that I will be giving to their Board in mid-August about my ideas on where the company could go, Development (fundraising) for salaries and expansion and to field any questions about my qualifications, knowledge of Shakespeare, etc. I would like a rehearsal with you acting as Board stand-ins asking any and all questions that come to you and feedback if my 'pitch' does not make perfect sense.

If you are available, I would like to do this in the next couple of weeks. Would people be available on Wednesday August 1st, 2012. 5:00 PM our house in North Everett. I will provide Spaghetti or other suitable nosh for your trouble.

Much thanks, GregRobin
Other  News:
 I am giving an Intro to Shakespeare on Saturday July 28th in Marysville at the Evergreen UU Fellowship ( from 2:00 - 4:00 PM on "12th Night" and "A Winter's Tale". Free. Feel free to bring a gang. This is in prep to seeing those two shows at the Seattle Center on Sunday, July 29th. 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM. <>

"To Each Their Own" The Play & Teaching Text. Kindle Version:   $7.99

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