4th international SWAT conference presentations and abstracts

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R. Srinivasan

Aug 6, 2007, 10:43:20 AM8/6/07
to SWAT-user, arc...@googlegroups.com, VizSWAT
Dear SWAT users and developers,

Sorry for any cross posting of this message. I want to make sure
everyone gets this message.

The 4th international SWAT conference presentations and abstracts are
now available from our SWAT website. http://www.brc.tamus.edu/swat
for direct connect to this website you can click on the URL

We will add the electronic proceeding in later this year and pictures
of the conference as become available.

Thanks for all your support and hope to see you in one of the future
conferences. We have planned one in Beijing in October 2008, Cheng
Mai, Thailand in January 2009 and Cranfield, UK in July 2009. Stay
tuned to the official SWAT website http://www.brc.tamus.edu/swat for
more information.

Thank you for all your support.


R. Srinivasan, Ph.D.,
WWW: http://www-ssl.tamu.edu
Director of Spatial Sciences Laboratory
Professor of Ecosystem Science & Management and Biological and
Agricultural Engineering email: r-srin...@tamu.edu
Texas A&M University
Phone: 979-845-5069 FAX: 979-862-2607

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