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2009 International SWAT conference

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R. Srinivasan

Aug 3, 2009, 8:21:09 AM8/3/09
to VizSWAT
Dear SWAT model users,

Jeff and I are please to inform you the 2009 International SWAT
conference and workshops are starting today. We have more than 160
participants for the conference with 130 presentations. More than 40
will attend the 4 workshops during this event.

I would like you to visit
to learn more about the conference. We have posted the final agenda
and the book of abstracts for all the presentations.

Hope these will be useful to know more about the latest development
and application of the SWAT model.

In addition, this year we are also starting to stream the
presentations with 2 hour delay on the internet for our user
community. Hope for those who can not be present at the conference
will be able to view the presentations with audio on the internet
through the same website (

This is the first attempt, like everything else we will learn more
about this process and refine them as we move forward.

We would like to hear your views on this for future conferece once you
had a chance to expereince the same.

Thank you for all your help in the past to make the event successful.

Jeff and Srini
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