VizSec poster deadline approaching

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Nicolas Prigent

Jul 24, 2019, 10:04:47 AM7/24/19
to vizsec
*** This is a reminder that the deadline for poster abstracts is on         ***
*** August 3rd 2019. Please visit for more information. ***

The 16th IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec) is a
forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from academia,
government, and industry to address the needs of the cyber security community
through new and insightful visualization and analysis techniques. VizSec
provides an excellent venue for fostering greater exchange and new
collaborations on a broad range of security- and privacy-related topics.
VizSec will be held in Vancouver, Canada in conjunction with IEEE VIS, on
Wednesday, October 23rd 2019.

The purpose of VizSec is to explore effective and scalable visual interfaces
for security domains such as network security, computer forensics, reverse
engineering, insider threat detection, cryptography, privacy, user assisted
attacks prevention, compliance management, wireless security, secure coding,
and penetration testing.

Poster submissions may showcase late-breaking results, work in progress,
preliminary results, or visual representations relevant to the VizSec
community. The poster program will be a great opportunity for the authors to
interact with the attendees, potentially also through live demos, and solicit
feedback. Accepted poster abstracts will be made available on this website.

There will be an award for Best Poster. It comes with a $50 USD Amazon gift
card thanks to our sponsor,Two Six Labs. The award will be determined by
anonymous judges and given to recipients at the end of the conference.

VizSec uses the the Precision Conference System (PCS) to handle their paper
and poster submissions and reviewing processes.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 5:00 PM PST.

August 3 2019: Submissions due for Poster Abstracts.
August 17 2019: Author notification for Posters.
October 23 2019: VizSec 2019.

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