new pairworking community

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Yves Hanoulle

Mar 13, 2015, 6:08:55 PM3/13/15

I have created another mailing list to create a community around pair work.

From time to time I receive questions about paircoaching, pair programming or any kind of pair work.
As some of you know, I gave away the domain to the community , with the intention to have a place to group all the info about pairing.
(I have a friend working on recreating the website..)

Only what community? Who are the people that are pairing?
What are the questions (and more important, the answers) they have?

So I realised that it could be useful to have a mailing list to discuss all kind of pair work.
- PairProgramming
- Pair-Dj'ing
- PairCoaching
- Duo work (people sharing the same job part time)
- Pair raising children >> aka the pairing part of parenting
- Pair writing books.
- Pair managing or pair leading a team or company. 
- Pair presenting
- Pair fairy 'ing 

(And although I'm coming out of the IT and the agile world, I explicitly don't want to limit it to that world. )!forum/pairworking

Will you help me spreading the mailing list?
Everyone who makes publicity gets a free acces (that's a joke, everyone has free acces)

Yves Hanoulle

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