Features you would like to have in next version of Visual BCD ?

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Oct 10, 2012, 10:37:44 AM10/10/12
to visua...@googlegroups.com
Version 0.9.4 is on its way.

Implemented new features till now:

1. Dual-boot repair fixes also Windows XP / NT5 boot files.
   - adding of XP / NT5 entry in editor creates / repairs boot files if necessary.

2. Automatic boot sector loaders for GRUB (2 and legacy) based Fedora, Ubuntu, Linux installed to partition.
   Can be extended to any OS / loader later.

3. Boot Sector Viewer.

4. Boot-menu advanced handling - manual adding of special boot menu entries on symbolic basis ( no GUIDS anymore )

5. Corrected display of forms on DPI and/or screen resolution change.

6. Added simple creation of .wmi / recovery loaders.

7. Added some new Win 8 specific BCD constants.

Beta version 0.9.4 will be available for members only until published.

Volunteers for testing beta version on EFI / GPT are welcome. PM please.


Nov 6, 2012, 7:31:40 PM11/6/12
to visua...@googlegroups.com
Fantastic!  I've been looking forward to your next update for quite some time- I'm very excited that it will be ready soon!  It's such a powerful & useful tool that has rescued me from a number of difficult problems that I wasn't able to resolve with any other tools without the loss of data.


Dec 1, 2012, 5:22:44 PM12/1/12
to visua...@googlegroups.com

Possibility to clone a entry would be nice.

And export/import one or more (selected) entries to/from file

Good job!!!


Jan 4, 2013, 10:52:36 AM1/4/13
to visua...@googlegroups.com
Great work!

I am dual booting Windows 8 and Linux Mint. While the Windows 8 RC kept my Linux entry intact in the bootloader, after updating to the Windows 8 RTM it was deleted. I have re-added it using EasyBCD but it removed my Metro GUI WIndows 8 bootloader, replacing it with the older DOS-like Windows 7 one. Anyway I kept using it until I found out a link to Visual BCD. Using the Automatic repair brought back the Metro bootloader GUI and kept the Linux entry! Then I decided to delete the bloat files used by EasyBCD (/NTS/Neogrub and AG0 or sometthing like that) on my C:\ drive of the Windows installation. The Linux entry remained in the bootloader menu but it was not able to load Grub due to missing path. So I have used this - http://www.boyans.net/DualBootWindows7andLinuxOrUnix.html, Alternative 1 to add the boot sector file. Worked as a charm.

Just wanted to share that I have found the boot.img in /boot/grub/i386-pc folder of my Linux partition. I hope it will help someone, because I spent some time searching for it.

Thanks for the great app Boyan!
Regards from Plovdiv


Jan 4, 2013, 7:34:05 PM1/4/13
to visua...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Stefan, path for searching boot.img will be extended ! Sofia e nablizo.

Jak Karter

Aug 24, 2013, 6:05:49 AM8/24/13
to visua...@googlegroups.com
Hi BoYans and congratulations for Bcd Visual Editor, but I want to say that I am very disappointed that I can not find about three days or a download link for Bcd Visual Editor version 0.9.4, which I really need to add several major orders for Windows 8 .............

You said
that version 0.9.4 can be downloaded only for members of this group, I do mind, I became a member and then spin me 3 hours or so, already dying of nerves and jitters, I urgently need this new version (old now), I can not find even a topic, a question on this topic on this group of members, like I'm the only earthling who asks a question worse normal: Where the bloody hell download Visual BCD Editor version 0.9.4 ? ? ? ? ? ?

Why is it
a secret so big where to download this version (0.9.4) ? ? ?

I've already
started to "work" for Windows 8 BCD commands manually because I can not find when I need newer version ... I am very disappointed and lost hours nerves chalk to find a download link for version 0.9. 4, and I hope that in the future the "secret" to be better regulated, even the forum if your website ..... i go to my work.

Sorry for my broken english, im not native english citizen ditch ....., i use google translate for this.....
Can i call to the NASA, NSA, CIA, FBI , ...PENTAGON ... LADY GAGA for this version 0.9.4 ???????? .. :)))


Apr 13, 2014, 4:38:01 PM4/13/14

yes i like to get the 9.4.x update to please..


Jun 15, 2014, 3:23:24 PM6/15/14
to visua...@googlegroups.com
Hi Boyans, would it be possible to get a download link for Visual BCD Editor 0.9.4? I have been waiting a long time for this to be released, and only recently found this group. I need to Boot Sector Viewer in order to fix my FreeBSD partition


Jun 19, 2014, 9:28:40 PM6/19/14
to visua...@googlegroups.com
version 0.9.4 is not complete. it will be published when ready.

Boot Sector Viewer is available in Dual-boot Repair for Windows 8.1 Update. 


Apr 10, 2015, 8:52:36 AM4/10/15
to visua...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for your program that works with UEFI.
Woud it possible to release a native 64 bits version ?   I'd like to integrate your program in my USB Key Reparation for UEFI Windows 8 64 bits environnement.


May 13, 2015, 5:02:27 PM5/13/15
to visua...@googlegroups.com
Hi thev,

Sorry answering late.
Do you want to put VBCD in a 64-bit PE (including .NET=WinPE-NetFX)?
I have to test how it works there.

On USB you can install a full Windows 8 To Go. The problem is that you need a 32 GB USB flash drive ;)


Jul 6, 2015, 12:29:38 AM7/6/15
to visua...@googlegroups.com
support for windows 10

Rob Y

Aug 2, 2018, 12:27:07 AM8/2/18
to Visual BCD
I'm new to figuring out BCD, so I hope my suggestions make sense.

1- I would like to be able to compare two stores.  The easiest comparison would be comparing a single machine's bcd store  at two different times.  If I took a snapshot of my machine when it was working, for example, it would be useful should I have problems in the future to focus only on what has changed in the bcd store.  I have recently had to do a "system repair", and although it is now working, I would like to know what changes were made by the repair.  The easiest way I can think of to do that would be export a bcd store to csv format.  I would then be able to compare the csv's.  A more elegant way would be if you modified your current display format to show be able to show two stores at a time, with each object in a different font or color according to whether it is the same/different/added/deleted. 

2- I would like to know what repairs VisualBCD would do my BCD store before actually executing the repair.  Perhaps VBCD already does that, but I haven't been brave enough to try it just to find out.  If you modify your display to be able to compare stores as in my suggestion 1, you could use that same  feature to show what changes would be made by any  repair

3- It seems to me that the automated Microsoft repairs don't actually edit incorrect entries, as much as  add correct entries.  I seem to have multiple entries for loaders, hibernate resumers, and Recovery Device Options.  Some of those have ApplicationDevice with a value of UnknownDevice.  The loaders with unknown devices don't even have Boot-Menu entries.  If I am right that such entries can be easily identified as safe to delete, then it would be nice if VBCD had a newbie-friendly feature to make only those safe changes.

4- I'm guessing that elements with "UnknownDevice" values are prime candidates for fixing.  When I click on the Edit button for that value, I have more choices for device type than I feel competent to choose.  Can the Edit button provide some guidance (at least for the most common ones)? For example, I'm guessing that PartitionDevice could be a suggested value a Loader's ApplicationDevice

I hope these suggestions make sense, and that I haven't asked for features already present.



Aug 17, 2018, 5:59:02 AM8/17/18
to Visual BCD
Hi dear Boyans sir, would it be possible to get a download link for Visual BCD Editor 0.9.4?
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