Create Loader entry for another bootloader

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Nov 12, 2014, 11:41:40 AM11/12/14

Hey there,
so I have got Grub2 installed in my EFI partition under \EFI\opensuse\boot\ and now I want to add this Bootloader to the loaders. 
When I look at the entry for the Windows Bootloader I have the Elements:

ApplicationDevice: \Device\HarddiskVolume3()
ApplicationPath: \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi

So I want to recreate the same but with the Path pointing to \EFI\opensuse\boot.
The Problem is I can only select visible Partitions as Device (like C:, D: and so on) but I need it to be the EFI partition (here Volume3). So is there any way to accomplish this?

Nov 13, 2014, 5:28:43 AM11/13/14
You would add EFI boot entry for OpenSuse (if missing in UEFI NVRAM) using its own utilities (LiveCD).

Windows UEFI Boot Manager (bootmgfw.efi on EFI System Partition(ESP)) can boot only Windows Vista
and later (Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10) installed to GPT style disk.

THERE IS NO KNOWN WAY for Windows boot manager ON UEFI/GPT to boot a foreign (non Microsoft) system including Linux.

On BIOS/MBR Windows boot manager can chain load any non Windows OS using a boot sector loader - see

You can map and examine ESP using Dual-boot Repair tool - use a file browser dialog, for example available in "Restore/Import BCD" dialog.

Using admin command prompt you can map ESP using "mountvol.exe" and then use "dir" and "cd" commands to explore ESP.
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