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Right-click button doesn't work on mac?

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Rubens Yanes

Sep 11, 2023, 5:55:50 PM9/11/23
to visone-users
I was not able to use the right-click button on my Mac when using Visone.

Usually right-click button works when you press ctrl and the mousepad, but I tried in Visone 2.24 and 2.26 and did not work.

I am working with a Girvan Newman graph and need to remove some of the levels and cannot find the way to do it without the right-click button.

Any hints either to activate the righ-button click or to edit the GNC graph?

Thanks ins advanced

Müller Julian

Sep 18, 2023, 7:50:07 AM9/18/23
Dear Rubens,

I asked a colleague to try to investigate your problem on Mac, but she said she was able to perform a right click in visone. That said, she doesn’t use "Ctrl + click" to perform a right click, but rather tips using two fingers on her trackpad.
Have you tried using an alternative way to perform a right click than "Ctrl + click"? In the trackpad settings of your Mac, you should be able to see or set some alternative way to perform a right click.


Müller Julian

Sep 21, 2023, 8:33:01 AM9/21/23
Dear Rubens,

The next visone release will support the Ctrl+Click combination to perform a right click on Mac.
But for now, please use the alternative option to perform a right click offered by the trackpad settings.



Sep 21, 2023, 2:10:48 PM9/21/23
to visone-users
Hello Julian (And others), 

I'm not sure if this is an appropriate place/channel to ask about this; if it is not appropriate, I apologize in advance.  I also have a feature request for a future release... my favorite thing about Visone is the "apply to open networks" option.  I've learned lots of software programs over the years, but I love this feature so much that I prefer Visone (and I recommend it to others).   Once I create all my networks, I'd like to export them all at once.  Would it be possible to develop an "export all" feature?  Or is there a workaround to "export all" that I've missed?

Thank you, Hannah 

Müller Julian

Oct 3, 2023, 10:57:54 AM10/3/23
Hi Hannah,

I added a "save all" feature to visone. This behaves like performing "save" for all networks (and skips saving the remaining ones when saving one network is cancelled). This feature will be available with the next release.

But I have to think more what is the best way to implement an "export all" feature. How do you imagine this feature to work exactly?

If I implement "export all" to behave as if "export" is applied to all networks consecutively, then this feature will still open one "save/export" dialog per network (+ an additional options dialog for some file formats + one file format selection dialog on macOS, which I was forced to add due to recent permission changes in macOS). So this kind of "export all" doesn't feel like as much of a gain as "save all", since it still requires lots of UI interactions for each network (while "save all" avoids this for all those networks that have been saved at least once before). In the end, such an implementation of "export all" would save the user from switching to each network and pressing "Ctrl + E" to trigger the export, but in exchange it would become more difficult to tell which network the current UI settings for exporting are applied to.


Rubens Yanes

Oct 9, 2023, 2:26:46 PM10/9/23
to visone-users
Thanks Julian! I tried the two-finger gesture and worked fine!
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