R Studio -> Visone

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Hannah Love

Aug 13, 2023, 8:53:52 PM8/13/23
to visone-users
Hello everyone, 

I've analyzed a series of networks in R Studio - and all the network metrics/stats look good.  Now I would like to open the networks in Visone.  The files open in Gephi, but not in Visone.  Any ideas?    

Here's my code: 

# Save Network Plots in .Net file
for (i in 3:length(net)) {
  write.graph(net[[3]],file=paste0(names(net[i]),".net"), format="pajek")  

Thank you, Hannah Love 

Sebastian Haunss

Aug 15, 2023, 11:26:35 AM8/15/23
to visone...@googlegroups.com, Hannah Love
Dear Hannah,

the code:

for (i in 3:length(net)) {
  write.graph(net[[3]],file=paste0(names(net[i]),".graphml"), format="graphml")  

should do the trick.

Kind regards,

Am 14.08.23 um 02:53 schrieb Hannah Love:
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Hannah Love

Aug 15, 2023, 7:39:29 PM8/15/23
to visone-users
Hello Sebastian, 

Thank you so much!  It kind of worked.  I was able to generated .graphml files with the appropriate file names, but when I went to open each file, the contents were all identical e.g. the friendship network had the same nodes/edges as the publication network (which I know isn't the case with the data set).  

It seems so strange to me because when I make .net files and open them in Gephi, they save/look correctly.   I know I'm very close it's just a little off.  Any other ideas?

Thank you, 
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