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No labels when importing an CSV adjacency matrix

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Coby Hendriks

Mar 13, 2023, 12:55:14 PM3/13/23
to visone-users
When importing an adjacency matrix in CSV format, I get all the nodes and links, but without the labels. The CSV format does have labels in the first column and row and I have ticked the box in the import options dialog. 
When the network is created I only see the nodes and links, but no labels. And in the mouse right click drop down menu I don't have the options to edit or delete labels.
What can I do to get the labels imported as well?

Kimmo Elo

Mar 14, 2023, 5:11:46 AM3/14/23
to visone-users
Hi Coby,

are the labels visible in the attribute manager? If so, please use the configure tab and tick the box in the "label" column of the appropriate variable.

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