Liberal open data plan?

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Andy Kaplan-Myrth

Oct 22, 2010, 12:09:58 PM10/22/10
What do vizgov list members think of the Liberal open data plan announced yesterday?

David Eaves blogged about it and wrote about it in the Globe:

Here's the plan on the Liberal website:

Does their plan do what a good open data strategy should do? Is it what Canada needs? Does it go far enough/farther than it needed to go?


Andy Kaplan-Myrth, M.A., LL.B.

David H. Mason

Oct 23, 2010, 10:32:19 AM10/23/10

There are really three levels here: open government, open data, and data use.

Open government, along with establishing two-way public communications, means making government more comprehensible. This includes constantly developing and releasing schemas, ontologies that describe how components, data and processes works together and provide connection points for data, and includes a functional and integrated access to information system.

Open data has to be connected by clear lines to open government features. We have to be working on a puzzle that creates a complete picture of government when it's done, not random pieces that can be manipulated. We can expect initial releases to be based on the initiative of departments, convenience, optics or spin, particular issues where the government is pro-active, as well as the demands of citizens or groups. A useful response is needed as to what standards the data will conform to and how it can be used, with a firm commitment to Linked Open Data.

Data use is where visible government initiatives comes in. Government can only do so much with the information. VG initiatives can package data and add information ahead of government, whether it's to lead government to accept new roles or areas that are just too controversial. I think it will move away from lone hackers liberating data sets (though that will still be essential to clean up data and make it easier to work with) to include working with organizations, journalists and citizen groups.


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Jonathan Brun

Oct 27, 2010, 9:03:43 PM10/27/10

I am scheduled to speak for 30 minutes on the economic benefits of open-data at the TechnoMontreal conference on November 9th in Montreal. Below is what I have so far, feel free to add comments or ideas. Ignore typos please.

L'ouverture des données du gouvernement danois (couts: 14 millions, bénéfices 62 millions (euros))

Partage des informations entre les municipalités de la Catalogne (couts: 21.5 Millions, bénéfices : 14 millions (euros))

Les données météorologiques américaine supporte une industrie de plus de 1.5 milliards de dollars.

Concours d'applications qui utilisent les données ouvertes à Washington D.C. (couts : 50 000$, bénéfices : 2 000 000 (dollars US))

Site web sur la transparence en Californie (couts : 61 000, bénéfices : 20 000 000 ) et au Texas (bénéfices : 5 000 000). (dollars US)

L'accès aux informations géospatial en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles a augmenté le PIB de presque 320 millions de livres Sterling en 2008-2009.

- Entreprises qui permet au citoyens américains de comparer les différents programmes de retraites gouvernementales grâce au portail - revenues 100k - 3 millions et 10 millions. 

Developpement du talent à Montréal. Les grandes entreprises de la Californie prennent de l'avancent et accumule des expériences, du talent et de la technologie. Le plus longtemps qu'on attend le plus difficile ca sera de ratraper. 

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