Vishnu Sahasranama (4/9/2022)

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Sep 3, 2022, 8:00:05 PM9/3/22
724 OM shata-aananaaya namaH .
He is called one with a hundred (shata) faces (aanan) to indicate that He has several forms.
'viShvam', this whole universe, also is His form with countless faces.
Note that in sanskrit, shata (100) and sahasra (1000) are used metaphorically for a countless number. So, when someone blesses us as 'shatamaanaM bhavatii aka Ayushmaan bhava', it means, live a very long life, especially, with all faculties functioning. :)

321 OM praaNa-daaya namaH . ##(see 65)##
praaNadaaya = praaNa + da (bestows/gives)
One who bestows praaNa, that is, strength, on devas and asuraas and also destroys them by withdrawing it.

80 OM anuttamaaya namaH .
He than whom there is none greater. Narayana Upanishad 12.3 says: 'yasmAt param nAparam asti kiNchid' - He whom there is none to excel. Where can there is any one greater?

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