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Phase 2 completed : Final leaderboard

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Oct 11, 2022, 4:01:01 PM10/11/22
to VisDA-22 participants
Dear Participants,

Thanks for your participation and hope you found the challenge fun and rewarding. Now that we have your final results, following is the final leaderboard. 

Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 3.51.36 PM.png

Congratulations to all the teams for the competitive performances.
(Note that the leaderboard on could not include the submission of the team 'Pros' due to some problems with the interface.)

According to the rules the teams qualify for prizes only if their results are reproducible. So, we have contacted all winning teams individually to submit code to help us reproduce their results. After verifying, we hope to finalize the winners of the challenge by Nov 1st.

Best Regards,
VisDA-2022 challenge organizers
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