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finding a new maintainer

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Doug Hellmann

Jan 4, 2016, 9:35:38 AM1/4/16
to virtualenvwrapper
As I described on my blog [1], I'm looking for someone(s) to take over maintenance of virtualenvwrapper. I had a few people express interest, so I thought it would be easier to coordinate the change here in the group forum.

A couple of things we need to work out include how/where to move the main repo and bug history, how to prioritize outstanding work, and probably how to improve the test harness so it will work for others besides me. What else do we need to do?

mayank anand

Jan 4, 2016, 10:41:13 AM1/4/16
to virtualenvwrapper

I would like to help. I love using vritual environment and it wrapper. Please let me know if I can help in any possible way.


Salar Rahmanian

Jan 4, 2016, 11:45:24 AM1/4/16
to virtualenvwrapper

I am happy to help too. 

Are you looking to give someone full ownership of project as maintainer? 

Doug Hellmann

Jan 4, 2016, 11:51:10 AM1/4/16
Yes, I’m looking for someone to take over maintaining the project, because I don’t have the time any more. I’ve had 5-6 responses already, so it looks like maybe we could get a team together to work on it, if folks are interested in collaborating.

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Salar Rahmanian

Jan 4, 2016, 12:09:57 PM1/4/16
to virtualenvwrapper
I am definitely interested so count me in. 

Happy to lead this effort. 

As an intro to who I am for everyones benefit:

Jan 4, 2016, 12:17:02 PM1/4/16
to virtualenvwrapper
Hi Doug,

For test harness, I will suggest

Doug Hellmann

Jan 4, 2016, 4:02:26 PM1/4/16
Fabio suggested moving the project to the jazz band collective ( How do folks feel about that?

Salar Rahmanian

Jan 4, 2016, 4:05:00 PM1/4/16
to virtualenvwrapper
Never tried this.

Doug Hellmann

Jan 4, 2016, 4:05:01 PM1/4/16
On Jan 4, 2016, at 12:17 PM, wrote:

Hi Doug,

For test harness, I will suggest

That looks interesting. The current test suite uses shunit2 (there’s a copy in the tests directory). It maps somewhat closely to the Python unittest framework. The framework itself isn’t really the problem. The problem is that the tests depend on having some specific versions of shells installed, and I’ve only been able to make them work with the OS X version of ksh, for example.

Has anyone else tried to run the tests? Were you successful?

On Monday, January 4, 2016 at 9:35:38 PM UTC+7, Doug Hellmann wrote:
As I described on my blog [1], I'm looking for someone(s) to take over maintenance of virtualenvwrapper. I had a few people express interest, so I thought it would be easier to coordinate the change here in the group forum.

A couple of things we need to work out include how/where to move the main repo and bug history, how to prioritize outstanding work, and probably how to improve the test harness so it will work for others besides me. What else do we need to do?

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Jan 5, 2016, 1:53:38 AM1/5/16
to virtualenvwrapper
Hi Doug,

I haven't tried it for virtualenvwrapper yet. I think it's better to try it after we figure out how the new maintainers work.

Anyway, bats is a framework test for bash only. AFAICT, it's hard to find a test framework which support many shells.

Jan 5, 2016, 5:59:48 AM1/5/16
to virtualenvwrapper
On Monday, January 4, 2016 at 4:02:26 PM UTC-5, Doug Hellmann wrote:
Fabio suggested moving the project to the jazz band collective ( How do folks feel about that?

Never heard of it before but I just joined.  I can help a bit but am very short on "free time."

S aka/ssteinerX

Don Holloway

Jan 5, 2016, 12:24:44 PM1/5/16
to virtualenvwrapper
I'm interested in helping.  I think that my biggest contribution can be on the documentation side, although I also work on windows primarily, so I can also provide some help there if someone gives me guidance.


On Monday, January 4, 2016 at 9:35:38 AM UTC-5, Doug Hellmann wrote:

Doug Hellmann

Jan 6, 2016, 12:39:38 PM1/6/16
to virtualenvwrapper
I've had one or two private messages asking if I have "chosen a maintainer." That wasn't really what I was planning to do, though. It feels awkward to anoint someone, especially since I don't know most of you.

A bunch of folks have expressed interest in helping, and that's great! I'm looking for someone to actually start doing some of the work, though. I don't have a transition plan in mind. I don't want to set policy or make decisions for the people willing to step in and help. I'd like you all to put together a plan to move the code somewhere you can collaborate, decide how you'll grant people commit access, etc.

Maybe the next step is to have some new threads started with proposals so we can discuss them together and agree on a plan. Thoughts?


On Monday, January 4, 2016 at 9:35:38 AM UTC-5, Doug Hellmann wrote:

Paul Prince

Jan 11, 2016, 2:06:55 AM1/11/16
to virtualenvwrapper
You can count me among the folks eager to throw their hat in and help out.

I'm also down for getting to work and churning out some commits, although it may take me some time to get fully back up to speed with the project.

Doug, I would love to talk to you via voice chat (or at least IRC) sometime soon, as I have questions about the software, and want to make sure we seem compatible :)

Thanks much,

Doug Hellmann

Jan 12, 2016, 9:59:49 AM1/12/16
to virtualenvwrapper
I'm on freenode as dhellmann. Ping me there when you have a few minutes and we can schedule something if I happen to be busy.


Doug Hellmann

Jan 12, 2016, 10:28:46 AM1/12/16
to virtualenvwrapper
I've created a new virtualenvwrapper team on bitbucket and moved the repository there:

That should make it easier to give folks commit access. Maybe we can start by folks who are interested looking at some of the existing pull requests and open tickets, and addressing them? For example, do the tests pass? Does a PR need some new tests written?


On Monday, January 4, 2016 at 9:35:38 AM UTC-5, Doug Hellmann wrote:

Julie Jones

Jan 30, 2016, 2:41:48 PM1/30/16
to virtualenvwrapper

Thanks for all you have done!

I am a long time Python user and evangelist. I have been reading your articles, posts, etc. for quite some time. You have certainly made a difference in my use of Python.

I am very interested in contributing. I spend a significant amount of my time at work teaching and mentoring others, and providing efficient solutions for common tasks. I have come to the conclusion that much of my work on Python tools is starting to overlap with virtualenvwrapper, and that I should help the community by volunteering to contribute.

In addition, I would like to comment on Doug's mention of time available. (I know that my response is a combined response to many of the other replies also.) I am not sure I could commit time to be the project owner/maintainer. I can certainly contribute significantly.

I really appreciate the general Python model of the BDFL and all of the community contribution, PEPs, etc.
As I believe that virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper are core tools for efficient use of python, I would hope that a similar model could be adopted for this project.

In summary

I believe that the project needs:
    1. one owner - I would prefer, if at all possible that Doug would continue continue in that role 1. as the owner, 2. to guide the project and 2. continue to make critical decisions.
    2. a very small number of co-owners (1-3?) that would have ownership rights and control of the repo, etc. and could act on Doug's behalf to keep things moving along if he is not available. These co-owners would remove all the administrative task load from Doug and essentially own and manage the project with oversight from Doug. 
    3. a core group of contributors (the rest of us), to share ideas, propose new features, maintain, implement, document, etc.
    4. The model in short is owner-manager-workers

I hope that I am not overstepping my bounds as a new posted.
I hope that opinions and suggestions are always welcome when stated politely.
I am looking forward to participating.

Regards to all,

Doug Hellmann

Jan 30, 2016, 5:57:32 PM1/30/16
On Jan 30, 2016, at 2:41 PM, Julie Jones <> wrote:


Thanks for all you have done!

Thanks for volunteering to get involved!

I am a long time Python user and evangelist. I have been reading your articles, posts, etc. for quite some time. You have certainly made a difference in my use of Python.

I am very interested in contributing. I spend a significant amount of my time at work teaching and mentoring others, and providing efficient solutions for common tasks. I have come to the conclusion that much of my work on Python tools is starting to overlap with virtualenvwrapper, and that I should help the community by volunteering to contribute.

In addition, I would like to comment on Doug's mention of time available. (I know that my response is a combined response to many of the other replies also.) I am not sure I could commit time to be the project owner/maintainer. I can certainly contribute significantly.

I really appreciate the general Python model of the BDFL and all of the community contribution, PEPs, etc.
As I believe that virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper are core tools for efficient use of python, I would hope that a similar model could be adopted for this project.

In summary

I believe that the project needs:
    1. one owner - I would prefer, if at all possible that Doug would continue continue in that role 1. as the owner, 2. to guide the project and 2. continue to make critical decisions.

If I expected to remain an active user, I would agree. Since I don’t actually use the wrappers that much any more, I wouldn’t want to influence the direction of new work too much. So I’ll be around for a while for a transition, but I really am looking for some people who want to take over maintaining the project and be the leaders.

    2. a very small number of co-owners (1-3?) that would have ownership rights and control of the repo, etc. and could act on Doug's behalf to keep things moving along if he is not available. These co-owners would remove all the administrative task load from Doug and essentially own and manage the project with oversight from Doug. 
    3. a core group of contributors (the rest of us), to share ideas, propose new features, maintain, implement, document, etc.
    4. The model in short is owner-manager-workers

That’s definitely a common model. This project is fairly small, so we may not need so many layers. But I’ll leave that up to the folks that pick up the work.

I hope that I am not overstepping my bounds as a new posted.

Not at all!

I hope that opinions and suggestions are always welcome when stated politely.


I am looking forward to participating.

I hope you will. :-)


Regards to all,
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