Thanks for all you have done!
I am a long time Python user and evangelist. I have been reading your articles, posts, etc. for quite some time. You have certainly made a difference in my use of Python.
I am very interested in contributing. I spend a significant amount of my time at work teaching and mentoring others, and providing efficient solutions for common tasks. I have come to the conclusion that much of my work on Python tools is starting to overlap with virtualenvwrapper, and that I should help the community by volunteering to contribute.
In addition, I would like to comment on Doug's mention of time available. (I know that my response is a combined response to many of the other replies also.) I am not sure I could commit time to be the project owner/maintainer. I can certainly contribute significantly.
I really appreciate the general Python model of the BDFL and all of the community contribution, PEPs, etc.
As I believe that virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper are core tools for efficient use of python, I would hope that a similar model could be adopted for this project.
In summary
I believe that the project needs:
1. one owner - I would prefer, if at all possible that Doug would
continue continue in that role 1. as the owner, 2. to guide the project and 2. continue to make critical
2. a very small number of co-owners (1-3?) that would have ownership rights and control of the repo, etc. and could act on Doug's
behalf to keep things moving along if he is not available. These
co-owners would remove all the administrative task load from Doug and essentially own and manage the project with oversight from Doug.
3. a core group of contributors (the rest of us), to share ideas, propose new features, maintain, implement, document, etc.
4. The model in short is owner-manager-workers
I hope that I am not overstepping my bounds as a new posted.
I hope that opinions and suggestions are always welcome when stated politely.
I am looking forward to participating.
Regards to all,