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[ANN] Hadi Hariri on CouchDB for .NET Developers on 03 May 2011

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Jan Van Ryswyck

Apr 25, 2011, 3:44:31 PM4/25/11
to European Virtual ALT.NET User Group, Virtual ALT.NET User Group, ALT.NET Yahoo User Group,
We’re very happy to announce that Hadi Hariri agreed to join us for doing a talk on CouchDB, showing us how to incorporate this excellent NoSQL document database into .NET applications. Last year, J. Chris Anderson already did an introductory presentation on CouchDB on the E-VAN. Hadi is going to expand on this, showing what CouchDB is all about and how to get your applications up and running using CouchDB and .NET in no time at all, also explaining how creating and maintaining applications that use this NoSQL thing from a .NET Developers perspective is actually very simple.

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