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[ANN] E-VAN on 29 March 2011 - Mike Hadlow on Monads

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Jan Van Ryswyck

Mar 14, 2011, 4:05:55 PM3/14/11
to European Virtual ALT.NET User Group, Virtual ALT.NET User Group, ALT.NET Yahoo User Group
We’re more than happy to announce that Mike Hadlow agreed to do a talk on Monads. These days, monads are the "celebrities of programming language theory". But they also inspire fear in the hearts of lowly imperative programmers. However they are a very useful and powerful abstraction and they pop up everywhere. C#'s Linq syntax is Monadic, for example. Having an understanding of Monads will give you the conceptual tools to greatly simplify many programming challenges, from dealing with nulls and managing state, to asynchronous programming and parsing. This talk will be mostly C#, but I will also be introducing a little F# and even some Haskell.

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