[ANN] E-VAN on 08 March 2011 - Andreas Öhlund on NServiceBus (Part Two)

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Jan Van Ryswyck

Feb 25, 2011, 6:08:57 PM2/25/11
to virtua...@googlegroups.com, euro...@googlegroups.com, altd...@yahoogroups.com, nserv...@yahoogroups.com

During his first appearanceAndreas Öhlund already provided us with an extensive introduction to NServiceBus, talking about the basics of sending messages during a hands-on coding session. Unfortunately, he didn’t quite get around to demonstrate how to deal with publish-subscribe scenarios.

So we’re more than pleased to announce that Andreas agreed to do a follow-up, talking about publish-subscribe and sagas using NServiceBus. You can watch the recording of his previous talk in case you missed it and want to get up to speed.


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