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European Virtual ALT.NET – Feedback & Suggestions

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Jan Van Ryswyck

Apr 1, 2011, 1:30:05 AM4/1/11
to European Virtual ALT.NET User Group, Virtual ALT.NET User Group, ALT.NET Yahoo User Group

Although we’ve still got plenty of topics that we would like to see discussed in future online E-VAN sessions, we would also like to hear about your interests for future topics and get some overall feedback from the community. That’s why we’ve set up a “forum” where we would like to capture your feedback and ideas so that we might do a future session on a particular topic that we haven’t thought about or make some overall improvements if necessary. So if you would like to suggest a future topic or you have some great ideas on how to keep this community going, then please let us know:

European Virtual ALT.NET – Feedback & Suggestions

We are looking forward to hear from you!

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