Supporting literature for VTS and MCCL

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Nov 29, 2019, 6:16:47 AM11/29/19
to Virtual Photonics
Dear Carole,

Thank you very much for all your help thus far. I am currently writing up my work for a conference proceeding and wanted to catch up on a bit of background reading.

I was wondering if you could share the literature that VTS/MCCL is based on to narrow down the exact methodology of the MC method? Any literature that was used to develop VTS/MCCL would be helpful.

Best regards,

Carole Hayakawa

Nov 30, 2019, 3:52:30 PM11/30/19
to Virtual Photonics
Hi Akhil,

Thanks for your question.  It helped me determine that we needed a consolidated place for the MCCL references.

For the MCCL references, I have added a page to our GitHub site:
It is newly created so may evolve with time. 

For the algorithms used in the GUI, please refer to the GitHub page:
In the right hand side panel, under the "Software" bullet, we list all of the panels that comprise the GUI. 
If you click on "Spectral Panel" for example, we list the references we used to inform our choices for
the 'pre-loaded' absorption and scattering spectra.

Let me know if you need any other references.

Sreerag Sundaram

Oct 14, 2020, 4:15:21 AM10/14/20
to Virtual Photonics

Hello Ma'am, 

I have been trying to use your software - which I appreciate you making it publicly available - for mimicking a composite (particle embedded) film. I went through the HTML files which give a description of the functions and the parameters used. 

However, it is still a black-box model as I'm unable to figure out what and how it has been modelled. Could you point me out / share any documentation which would explain the same in detail?

It would be of humongous help.



Carole Hayakawa

Oct 14, 2020, 2:09:38 PM10/14/20
to Virtual Photonics
Hi Sreerag,

The supporting documentation for the VTS MATLAB can be found here:

Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Sreerag Sundaram

Oct 16, 2020, 7:59:08 AM10/16/20
to Virtual Photonics

Appreciate the prompt response. 

I did check this out, but the method to access the doc is not valid anymore. All versions of MATLAB, starting 2012, do not have the start button at the bottom left. This has been replaced by the apps tab and I could not find the target documentation there. 

Please assist. 


Carole Hayakawa

Oct 16, 2020, 3:02:37 PM10/16/20
to Virtual Photonics
Hi Sreerag,

Sorry about that!  MATLAB moved the documentation around.  To view it now, on the Home page, click on "Help" (towards the right on the top banner), select "Documentation", then on the left hand tool bar select "VTS Toolbox", then on "Getting Started with the VTS Toolbox".

Thank you for bring to our attention that our documentation was out of date.  We will work on updating it!

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