Fwd: Hand in Hand With US Government, Big Pharma Pushes for More Profits

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Ed Dickau

Apr 29, 2014, 8:42:31 PM4/29/14
to Virginians For Constitutional Government

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From: t r u t h o u t <mess...@truthout.org>
Date: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 5:48 PM
Subject: Hand in Hand With US Government, Big Pharma Pushes for More Profits
To: ed.d...@gmail.com


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

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Koch Brothers Hasten Global Warming by Backing Taxes on Solar Energy

Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: Only anti-tax fossil fuel robber barons could come up with the idea of taxing renewable solar power. After all, it is all about profits for the Koch brothers.

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Supreme Court Rejects Hearing on Indefinite Military Detention Case

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Hand in Hand With US Government, Big Pharma Pushes for More Profits

Mara Kardas-Nelson, Truthout: After already getting exactly what they wanted 20 years ago through World Trade Organization negotiations, pharmaceutical companies - with the help of the US government - are now coercing countries to adopt more stringent intellectual property protection that could harm public health efforts. Drug prices are skyrocketing as a result.

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New Data Raise Further Doubt on Official View of August 21 Gas Attack in Syria

Gareth Porter, Truthout: The assumption that the Syrian government sponsored the August 21 gas attacks in the Damascus suburbs continues to dominate discussion of the issue, although significant new information makes an attack by opposition forces far more plausible than first thought.

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Photo Essay: "Cowboys and Indians" Against Keystone XL Bring Newfound Unity to DC

Kristin Moe, Yes! Magazine: Last week, members of the Cowboy Indian Alliance - a coalition of tribal members, ranchers and landowners from the Great Plains - camped out on the National Mall in Washington, DC, united in one cause: opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Read the Article and View the Photos 

Sixteen for '16 - Number 10: 10-10-10

Salvatore Babones, Truthout: Progressives should campaign for a 10-10-10 plan to require all employers to provide ten paid sick days, ten paid holidays, and ten paid vacation days a year for all full-time workers, and prorated for part-time workers.

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The Stealthy, Ugly Growth of Corporatized Medicine

Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism: Doctors historically have been small businessmen, either operating solo or in a group practice. But big corporations see their profits as another revenue opportunity, and have become increasingly adept at making it hard for doctors to operate independently.

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A Major Battle at the Human Rights Council Results in a Qualified Victory

Robert James Parsons, Truthout: In an epic battle at the United Nations Human Rights Council, the representatives of civil society won a significant - but qualified - victory in obtaining an international commission of inquiry into the genocide of the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

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Tim Carpenter Fought Relentlessly for Social Justice - Now It's Our Turn

The Daily Take, The Thom Hartmann Program: Yesterday, Tim Carpenter, co-founder of Progressive Democrats of America and a tireless political and social activist, passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Democracy begins with all of us, as Tim's life so vividly shows us.

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NATO and Ukraine Government Escalate Threats Against Russian and Ukrainian People

Roger Annis, Truthout: The popular, proletarian protest movement with strong social justice aspirations in eastern Ukraine has acted judiciously, avoiding needless violence. Progressives should act to defend it and whatever forms of political autonomy and association with Ukraine and Russia the people choose.

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The Unreported Story of How the Haqqani Network Became America's Greatest Enemy

Anand Gopal, TomDispatch: In recent years, the US has waged an intense drone campaign against the Haqqanis in their North Waziristan stronghold. Today, the Haqqani network is a shadow of its former self. The group's influence, however, lives on.

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Science or Media? The Science Media Centre Spins Pro-GMO Line

Rebekah Wilce, PR Watch: A new report commissioned by Prime Minister David Cameron suggests that GMOs have now been shown to be safe and that the United Kingdom may need to grow them in order to rely less on imports.

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On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Super-Rich Don't Make Money by Hard Work, and More

In today's On the News segment: The super-rich don't make their money by working hard, according to a new analysis; corporations and the rich skip out on $184 billion in state and federal income taxes every year; the United States Postal Service has established a pilot program to have non-union, low-wage workers handle our mail in 80 Staples stores throughout the country; and more.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

Amy Goodman | "We Need to End the Fossil Fuel Age": Music Legend Neil Young Protests Keystone XL Pipeline

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!: The legendary musician Neil Young joined Saturday's protest against the Keystone XL pipeline in Washington, DC. "We're all children of Mother Earth, and I'm here because I feel we are all threatened by what's happening as a planet," Young said.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

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