Fwd: ICH: Why is Putin in Washington's Crosshairs?

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Ed Dickau

Apr 29, 2014, 8:38:54 PM4/29/14
to Virginians For Constitutional Government

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From: ICH Newsletter <emai...@cox.net>
Date: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 6:15 PM
Subject: ICH: Why is Putin in Washington's Crosshairs?
To: ed.d...@gmail.com

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"It should be no surprise that when rich men take control of the government, they pass laws that are favorable to themselves. The surprise is that those who are not rich vote for such people, even though they should know from bitter experience that the rich will continue to rip off the rest of us." Andrew Greeley (Chicago Sun-Times, February 18, 2001)
April 29/30, 2014
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 Op-Ed Articles  
Why is Putin in Washington's Crosshairs?


By Mike Whitney


Washington wants a weak Russia that won't challenge US presence in Central Asia or its plan to control vital energy resources.



Obama's 'Strategy' Against 'Pariah' Russia


By Pepe Escobar


The sanctions hysteria is designed to force President Putin to bow to the hegemon's whims, as part of the overall "strategy"; forging an "international consensus" to "isolate" Russia and turn it into a "pariah state". "



Obama, McCain, and the NATO/EU Gang:
Better War than Saying: "It's our Fault"?


By Michael Scheuer


The democracy mongers operate on the assumption that only the United States and Europe have legitimate national interests.



Why Not Fire Kerry?
Killing the Putin-Obama 'Trust'


By Ray McGovern


The still-influential neoconservatives, and the "tough" White House women and men, all lusting for a U.S. attack on Syria.



Kerry Grovels Over Israeli 'Apartheid'


By Robert Parry


Secretary of State Kerry gets to say whatever half-truth or fiction comes into his head about Syria, Russia or other "designated villains," but when he cites the inconvenient truth of Israeli "apartheid," he must scramble as fast as he can to retract and apologize.



'Last Thing US Wants in the World is Democracy. It Wants Control'


By Chris Hedges


Using fake evidence is usual Washington tactic.



Holding The Silent Killers Of Environmental Destruction Accountable


By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers


The findings of the most recent IPCC report are sobering. We have 15 years to mitigate climate disaster.



Multiple Ways Kleptocrats and Militarists Fleece Americans


By James Petras


American living standards are plunging and it's not simply because they are paid less, work longer (or shorter hours) under highly stressful workplace conditions and pay a higher percentage of their income for health and pension coverage.



Supreme Court Won't Hear Chris Hedges' Indefinite Detention Case


By Alexander Reed Kelly


The decision leaves the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) intact.


Hard News  


Car bomb, shelling kill 59 in mainly government areas of Syria:
A car bomb went off in the central Syrian city of Homs on Tuesday, killing 36 people just hours after a mortar attack on the capital, Damascus, killed 14, government officials and state media said.



Jihadists execute seven in Syria, two by crucifixion:
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights posted a photograph of the two prisoners being crucified at the roundabout with passer-by walking past apparently unfazed.



50 killed as Iraqi security forces vote:
More than a million members of Iraq's security forces - as well as prisoners and hospital patients and staff members - voted in parliamentary elections Monday (local time), two days ahead of the rest of the country so that they can be on duty during the main balloting.



Iraq: Militant group claims attack that killed 25:
An al-Qaeda spin-off group has claimed responsibility for a suicide attack in a Kurdish town northeast of Baghdad that killed at least 25 people the previous day.



30 killed as Yemen army launches new assault on 'Qaeda":
Suspected Al-Qaeda militants killed 18 Yemeni soldiers in separate ambushes Tuesday as the army launched a ground offensive against their remaining strongholds in the south, medical and security sources said.



Saudi ends 'largest' manuevers in its history
Saudi Arabia ended military excercises Tuesday along the borders of Iraq and Kuwait, as well as other regions, in what the media described as the largest in the kingdom's history.



No peace with Israel without defining borders: Abbas:
"Since the creation of Israel, nobody knows what the borders are. We are determined to know our borders and theirs, without that there will be no peace," he said as Washington's nine-month deadline for reaching a peace deal expired, leaving the process in tatters.



Israel approved record 14,000 settlements during "peace" talks with Palestine - report:
Israel approved "an unprecedented" number of 13,851 new settler homes during nine-months of peace talks with Palestine, an Israeli NGO revealed. Israel also declared a record amount of territories its state land, meaning more settlements may follow.



Rand Paul: Cut aid to Palestinians unless they recognize Israel as Jewish state:
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul said he will introduce legislation that would cut U.S. funding to the Palestinian Authority unless its government recognized Israel as a Jewish state.



Mideast talks in tatters as "peace" deadline expires:
Washington's deadline for reaching a peace deal expired Tuesday with the sides bitterly divided and warnings that Israel risked becoming an "apartheid state" if it failed to make peace with the Palestinians.



John is a wimps
Apologises for Israel 'apartheid' remarks:
US secretary of state sparked outcry when he said country risked becoming an 'apartheid' state without a peace deal



PLO: Israel never gave negotiations a 'chance to succeed':
"To build settlements in occupied land, kill Palestinians and demolish hundreds of Palestinian homes is certainly not the behavior of a government that wants to end occupation but of a government that wants to turn occupation into annexation."



Israel begins implementing economic sanctions against Palestinians:
Freezing Palestinian construction projects in Area C which makes up nearly 60 percent of the occupied West Bank and is under full Israeli control. Israel has also decided to increase deductions from tax funds it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority.



Israeli lobby at work:
Ottawa declares Canadian aid group working in Gaza, West Bank as 'terrorist':
A Canadian organization that provided humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza has been formally branded a terrorist entity days before the start of a court battle over the revocation of its charitable status.



Watch: Israeli soldier threatens Hebron teen with gun;
Video footage of an Israeli soldier in Hebron aiming his gun at a Palestinian teenager was posted online Sunday by a local activist group.



57 militants killed, 84 others injured in Afghan operations:
According to a statement released by defense ministry of Afghanistan, the operations were conducted in the past 24 hours in Paktika, Ghazni, Helmand, Kandahar and Nangarhar provinces of Afghanistan.



Two aid workers killed in northern Afghanistan:
The two aid workers were reportedly working with the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (CHA) organization and were killed in Kohistan district late Monday.



More than Two-Thirds of Afghanistan Reconstruction Money has Gone to One Company:
 DynCorp International: If not for the federal government, contractor DynCorp International wouldn't be in business. Virtually all of its revenue (96%) comes from government contracts. That includes the vast majority of the taxpayer dollars that the State Department has awarded to help rebuild Afghanistan.



Afghanistan's 'torturer in chief' settles down in pink California home:
Recruited to help run Afghanistan's security and intelligence operations in the aftermath of the US war against the Taliban, the country's most feared security official dubbed 'torturer in chief' now has settled in a pink two-story house in California.



Man ablaze hugs politician on India TV:
A television debate show in northern India ended in horror after a spectator set himself ablaze and embraced a local politician, leaving both men fighting for their lives, police said Tuesday.



Obama ignites Chinese anger as he warns against use of force on American allies:
Barack Obama ended an Asian tour Tuesday with a warning to China against using force in territorial disputes, as Chinese authorities accused the US president of ganging up with "troublemaking" allies.



US and Philippines sign ten-year "defence" pact:
Deal allows for more high-profile war games between the allies and for US army hardware to be stationed in Philippines.



Libya: 2 soldiers killed as Benghazi hit by car bomb:
A car bomb has exploded at the gates of a military barracks near the airport in the Libyan city of Benghazi, killing two soldiers, security officials say. It appeared to have been carried out by a suicide bomber, an unnamed army officer told the AFP news agency.



Shooting Outside Libyan Parliament Delays Vote:
A spokesman for the interim Libyan parliament said shooting broke out outside the main entrance to the parliament on Tuesday, causing lawmakers to postpone the selection of a new prime minister in the capital, Tripoli.



Power struggle blights Libya's chaotic main airport:
With a bomb on the runway, pets boarding planes and passengers jetting off without visas, Tripoli International Airport typifies the chaos that has gripped Libya since the 2011 ouster of Muammar Gaddafi.



US-backed Egyptian regime sentences 683 more to die:
A drumhead court in Egypt Monday handed down death sentences to 683 defendants-alleged members and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)-after a five-minute trial in which the judge refused to allow a word uttered or a shred of evidence submitted in defense of the condemned men, most of whom were not even present for the proceeding.



Cairo court bans group that helped topple Mubarak: -
An Egyptian court on Monday banned a pro-democracy movement that helped ignite the uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak in 2011, tightening a crackdown on dissent a month ahead of a presidential election the former army chief is expected to win.



International community slams Egypt mass death sentence:
The United Nations, the European Union and its member states, as well as non-governmental organizations made clear their concerns about the decision of an Egyptian court in Minya to sentence to hand down the ultimate penalty to so many people in so little time.



Jewish mayor of eastern Ukrainian city Kharkiv shot, fighting for life:
 Kernes was a strong supporter of Ukraine's deposed president, Viktor Yanukovich, although the motives for the shooting remain unclear. The Interior Ministry announced that local police were investigating.



Wounded Mayor Is Both Colorful and Powerful, Loved and Loathed:
Formerly allied with the deposed president, Viktor F. Yanukovych, Mr. Kernes has charted a middle way, attacking the fledgling, revolutionary government in Kiev but calling for the country to remain united



Pro-federalist seize another local government HQ in Ukraine:
Hundreds of Pro-federalist seized the regional government headquarters in Luhansk on Tuesday, unopposed by police, underlining the lack of control of central government over swathes of eastern Ukraine.



Ukraine's federalization supporters announce creation of Lugansk People's Republic:
The activists who have taken over the building of the Ukrainian Security Service's department in the Lugansk region have announced the creation of the Lugansk People's Republic, Segodnya.UA has reported.



New report in Germany on the identity of the 'maidan' snipers:
Seven weeks after the deadly shootings in Kiev which brought about the fall of the government of President Victor Yanukovich, evidence is gathering which sheds considerable doubt on the official version of events.



Ukraine: EU imposes new sanctions on Russia - live updates:
Russia condemns measures as revival of 'iron curtain'



Putin hugs German ex-Chancellor Schroeder at party:
Mr Schroeder has long had close ties to Mr Putin and runs a pipeline venture bringing Russian gas to Germany. Their embrace was photographed as Mr Schroeder celebrated his 70th birthday.



Pentagon: Russia assures US it will not invade Ukraine:
Moscow calls on Washington to tone down its rhetoric regarding the crisis



Kerry: U.S. Taped Moscow's Calls to Its Ukraine Spies:
The United States has proof that the Russian government in Moscow is running a network of spies inside eastern Ukraine because the U.S. government has recordings of their conversations, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a closed-door meeting Friday.



New U.S. Stealth Jet Can't Hide From Russian Radar:
America's gazillion-dollar Joint Strike Fighter is supposed to go virtually unseen when flying over enemy turf. But that's not how things are working out.



Spanish jobless rate nears 26 percent:
Many people apparently despaired at the lack of the jobs and fled the country or stopped looking for work, slashing the workforce by 187,000 people. In the face of such an exodus, the unemployment queue shrank fractionally, by just 2,300 people, to 5.93 million.



Microsoft 'must release' data held on Dublin server:
A judge in the US has ordered Microsoft to hand over a customer's emails, even though the data is held in Ireland.



Google: We scan all Gmail messages:
Few will likely find themselves reading the fine print added to the new terms of service issued by Google this week, but the updated version clarifies to customers once and for all that the contents of messages going in and out of Gmail are being scanned.



Homeland Security warns not to use IE browser:
The Department of Homeland Security is telling people not to use Internet Explorer. A security breach in the Internet browser can leave your computer at the mercy of a hacker. This flaw affects more than half of all PC users.



Homeland Security Adviser Warns Parents That Their Mouthy Kids May Grow Up To Be Terrorists:
Here's a short (but by no means all-inclusive) list of activities that are supposedly indicators of terrorism-in-progress.



UK party leader arrested for quoting Churchill on Islam:
Quoting Winston Churchill can get you arrested, as one British candidate in the European elections found out after referring to the iconic wartime leader's thoughts on Islam from his book 'The River War', published in 1899.



Venezuelan ex-intelligence chief Eliecer Otaiza killed:
Maj Otaiza, a friend and ally of the late president Hugo Chavez, was shot dead outside the capital, Caracas.



Colombia deploys military might to crush farmers' strike before election:
Rural workers say Juan Manuel Santos has failed to deliver on reform as armed troops, tanks and riot police sent into streets



The US hasn't learned any lessons from Abu Ghraib. Seymour Hersh:
 War is full of war crime...I was in the army. One of the things you are trained to do is to dehumanize people, to view the people you fight as subhuman.



Rutgers students occupy campus building to protest Condoleezza Rice speech:
 Some students are holding signs protesting the choice of Rice to speak at commencement, including signs reading "No honors for war criminals," "War criminals out" and "RU 4 Humanity?"



US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims:
At the behest of the director of national intelligence, US senators have removed a provision from a major intelligence bill that would require the president to publicly disclose information about drone strikes and their victims.


Study: 1 in 25 sentenced to death in U.S. likely innocent:
The great majority of innocent people who are sentenced to death are never identified and freed, says professor Samuel Gross of the University of Michigan Law School, the study's lead author.



Five Stunning Facts About America's Prison System You Haven't Heard:
According to the 2011 report from Department of Justice, nearly one in 10 prisoners report having been raped or sexually assaulted by other inmates, staff or both.



Moment cop shot dead 19-year-old girl in raid on house party as her friends looked on in horror:
Newly-released footage shows the series of events leading up to a teen girl being shot dead by police early Saturday morning while leaving a party.



Mother of disabled son killed by police over $10 movie ticket tells Congress she wants justice:
The mother of a young man with Down syndrome who was killed by police officers in Maryland told Congress on Tuesday - "I want to tell you that I am here as a grieving mother. It's been 15 months. I'm not sure that it will ever stop,"



Cops Search Woman's Home Without A Warrant, Beat Her: Video -
 Team 5 Investigates has uncovered allegations that two Bellingham police officers falsely arrested a woman using excessive force.



Time does not always heal: state violence and psychic damage:
When the state's actions are directly responsible for injury, stress and mental illness, it is imperative that we do not dissociate one from the other. We cannot continue to blame individuals for profound structural wrongs.



Man Arrested After Taping Arrest With Cell Phone:
Estrada says he began recording the episode with his iPhone only after the officer removed Trigiano from the store and threw the handcuffed man to the ground.



Los Angeles deputies charged with planting drugs and guns at marijuana dispensary
Two Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies were arrested and charged over an incident three years ago in which they reportedly planted drugs and illegal weapons at a marijuana dispensary in order to make arrests.



Men Who Work Full-Time Earn Less Than 40 Years Ago:
In 1973, median earnings for men who worked full-time, year-round were $51,670 in inflation-adjusted 2012 dollars. In 2012, the real median earnings of men who worked full-time, year-round was $49,398. That was $2,272-or about 4.4 percent-below the peak median earnings of $51,670 in 1973.



9 Of The Top 10 Occupations In America Pay An Average Wage Of Less Than $35,000 A Year:
When you break that down, that means that most of these workers are making less than $3,000 a month before taxes.



Consumer Confidence Falls More Than Expected:
Consumer spending accounts for about 40% of the economy and investors watch this to gauge how the economy is holding up.



Retail Store Closures Soar In 2014:
At Highest Pace Since Lehman Collapse: Since the start of 2014, retailers have announced the closure of more than 2,400 units, amounting to 22.6 million square feet, more than double the closures at this point in 2013



Hunger is a 'silent crisis' in the USA:
Tianna Gaines Turner can't remember the last time she went to bed without worrying about how she was going to feed her three children.



Michelle Obama 2-Day Hotel Stay in China Costs $222K:
First lady's group used 144 rooms at Shangri-La Hotel.



Poor People's Lives Are Getting Shorter:
Wealthy people are enjoying longer lifespans than lower income Americans, according to a new analysis from Brookings Institute researchers, and the gap is threatening to get wider.



Retirement Remains Americans' Top Financial Worry:
 A firm majority of Americans, 59%, are worried about not having enough money for retirement, surpassing eight other financial matters.



Judge rules it was OK for widow to lose home over $6.30 in unpaid interest:
 A widow was given ample notice before her $280,000 house was sold at a tax auction three years ago over $6.30 in unpaid interest, a Pennsylvania judge has ruled.




 "Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,438

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001


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