Fwd: Fw: Dahr Jamail | On Bringing War Criminals to Justice

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Ed Dickau

Apr 29, 2014, 9:29:55 PM4/29/14
to Virginians For Constitutional Government

Subject: Dahr Jamail | On Bringing War Criminals to Justice

Monday, 28 April 2014 t r u t h o u t

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Neo-Nazi Claimed Sean Hannity Supported Many of His Views

Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: Much of FOX's appeal to elderly white males is based on a simmering - but coded - racism. So it should have been of no surprise to Sean Hannity that Cliven Bundy is as bigoted as a pre-Civil War plantation owner.

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The Economic Recovery Has Created Far More Low-Wage Jobs Than Better-Paid Ones

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Supreme Court Taking Up Police Searches of Data Troves Known as Cellphones

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Déjà Vu: US Incites Civil Unrest in Venezuela for Its Oil

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Big Food: Michael Pollan Thinks Wall Street Has Way Too Much Influence Over What We Eat

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Vancouver: Fracking Comes to the World's "Greenest City"

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Dahr Jamail | On Bringing War Criminals to Justice

Dahr Jamail, Truthout: A grocery store owner burned to death in his car; a pregnant woman was beaten; a man was left comatose after severe head trauma. These are among the accusations against US forces made recently at the Iraq Commission hearing in Belgium, which explored ways to bring justice to those responsible for war crimes in the catastrophic invasion of Iraq.

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Brought Together by Keystone Pipeline Fight, "Cowboys and Indians" Heal Old Wounds

Kristin Moe, Yes! Magazine: As indigenous tribes and ranchers work together to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, they're also learning to understand each other's history, culture and relationship with the land.

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Dean Baker | What Problem Is Privatizing Fannie and Freddie Meant to Solve?

Dean Baker, Truthout: Many of those who were opposed to privatizing Social Security have taken the side of the financial industry in the battle over Fannie and Freddie. At the least, it should be possible to block Wall Street's efforts to get a government guarantee for their new foray into the mortgage-backed securities market.

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Chris Hedges | The Crime of Peaceful Protest

Chris Hedges, Truthdig: Being an activist in peaceful mass protest is the only real "crime" Cecily McMillan has committed because the corporate state is extremely nervous about the mass movements that have swept the country in recent years.

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Abu Ghraib 10 Years Later: Challenging Corporate Impunity for Torture

Vincent Warren, Truthout: Suhail Al Shimari was beaten, starved, threatened with death, electrically shocked and subjected to other torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq without any justice while war-profiteering contractors like CACI continue to earn millions without carrying any legal risks for actions outside of the United States - even when they lead to torture.

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How George W. Bush Screwed This Generation of College Students

The Daily Take, The Thom Hartmann Program: Instead of spending trillions of dollars on prolonging the Bush legacy of unjust wars, we should be spending those trillions by giving every eligible student in the United States a free public college education.

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Amy Goodman | Ralph Nader on TPP, GM Recall, Nuclear Power and the "Unstoppable" Left-Right Anti-Corporate Movement

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!: Former presidential candidate and longtime consumer advocate Ralph Nader discusses his latest book, Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

What Happens When a Dark Money Group Blows Off IRS Rules? Nothing

Kim Barker and Theodoric Meyer, ProPublica: The Government Integrity Fund spent most of its money on election ads, despite Internal Revenue Service rules prohibiting a social welfare nonprofit from doing so.

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American Abu Ghraib Prisoner "Disappears"

Aisha Maniar, Truthout: Shawki Ahmed Omar, an American-Jordanian prisoner, held without due process in Iraq for almost 10 years, "disappeared" around the time 2,400 other prisoners of Abu Ghraib were reported to have been transferred to other prisons.

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Sushi Summit Bottoms Out

Karen Garcia, Sardonicky: There's suddenly a reason to be cautiously optimistic: In the neoliberal death match euphemistically known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the little guy just won an important round against the steroid-fueled defending champions of Team Corporate Elite.

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The Road From Abu Ghraib: A Torture Story Without a Hero or an Ending

Karen J. Greenberg, TomDispatch: As long as those who perpetrated torture policies are considered beyond the law, there will be no safe landing for this national fall from grace that began with the revelations at Abu Ghraib.

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Ed. Dickau

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