Fwd: OEN Daily: FBI Expert on Psychopaths Mary Ellen O'Toole | Opened Vatican Archives Reveal Church Aided and Abetted Mussolini | Wh

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Ed Dickau

Apr 29, 2014, 9:38:32 PM4/29/14
to Virginians For Constitutional Government

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From: Rob Kall <r...@opednews.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:35 PM
Subject: OEN Daily: FBI Expert on Psychopaths Mary Ellen O'Toole | Opened Vatican Archives Reveal Church Aided and Abetted Mussolini | Wh
To: ed.d...@gmail.com

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My apology! I posted this link without the podcast uploaded, though I thought it was. Now the audio is accessible. This was a great interview. Interview with Scott Lilienfeld, President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy
And here's the second half of the transcript of my interview with the FBI's expert on psychopaths; Interview Transcript Part 2; FBI Expert on Psychopaths Mary Ellen O'Toole
And Joan Brunwasser offers a fascinating interview showing the Catholic Church's history supporting fascism. By Joan Brunwasser
Opened Vatican Archives Reveal Church Aided and Abetted Mussolini

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Daily Headlines

By Rob Kall
Interview Transcript Part 2; FBI Expert on Psychopaths Mary Ellen O'Toole

This is part two of the two part transcript of my radio interview with Mary Ellen O'Toole, FBI profiler and expert on psychopaths. We discuss what to do with psychopaths who don't break the law, WHO is a psychopath...

By Joan Brunwasser
Opened Vatican Archives Reveal Church Aided and Abetted Mussolini

The view presented by the Church portrays the pope as one of Mussolini's fiercest critics and the pope and Mussolini constantly in a state of conflict. What I discovered was something very different. Although Pius XI realized that Mussolini had not a religious bone in his body, he thought that the dictator could be God's instrument to restore the power of the Roman Catholic Church in Italy.

Why Does The Mainstream Media Ignore The Bilderberg Group?

I don't know about you, but I don't like the fact that a bunch of elitists are holding secret conferences where they discuss how to build a "more integrated global political and economic structure".

By Rev. Dan Vojir
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By William K. Black, J.D., Ph.D.
The New Book on Regulation I Just Decided to Write: Blame it on Monaco

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By Susan Strong
Say "Let's get to climate safety fast!" (Reframing Divestment Now)

This article suggests that the IPCC report and new moves by fossil fuel companies call for a change in our "divestment" framing. That should include extending the idea of "divesting" to fossil fuel companies and Congressional reps too. The article includes some examples of exactly what to say this point now.

By Ray McGovern
Killing the Putin-Obama "Trust"

Last year, Russian President Putin and U.S. President Obama became a geopolitical odd couple as they worked to cool off hotspots such as Syria and Iran. But U.S. hawks succeeded in killing that collaboration via the crisis in Ukraine, ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern explains.

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By Donn Marten
Wag the Finger: John Kerry's Increasing Instability

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By Rob Kall
Interview with Scott Lilienfeld, President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy

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OUR FINAL INVENTION -- A Book Report on Artificial Intelligence

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Living Within My Means, And Loving It

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Scientists create circuit board modeled on the human brain -- ScienceDaily

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Multilayer, microscale solar cells enable ultrahigh efficiency power generation -- ScienceDaily

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By Dr. Glen T. Martin
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By James Wall
A Tale of Two Tapes

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Man Legally Stalks Children's Baseball Game, Scares Kids and Parents

A man carrying a gun began stalking a children's baseball game in Forsyth County, Ga, this past Tuesday night. It's reported that at least twenty-two 911 calls were made mostly by parents fearing for the safety of their children. The game was halted, but the sheriff said they could do nothing - the man was within his legal limits.

MH370: New phase to include private contractors, may cost $60 million - CNN.com

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Tornado system that killed 16 heads toward U.S. Southeast

A ferocious storm system threatened tens of millions of people across the U.S. Southeast on Monday, a day after it spawned a series of tornadoes that killed 16 people, injured more than 100 and tossed cars around like toys in Arkansas and Oklahoma. The National Weather Service said there was a tornado risk for Mississippi, Alabama and western Georgia as the storm system that produced the twisters headed east toward the Mid-Atlantic states.

Pope Francis: 'Inequality Is The Root of Social Evil'

This followed on his statements last year in which he ripped capitalism as a system promoting inequality, stating, "there was the promise that once the glass had become full it would overflow and the poor would benefit. But what happens is that when it's full to the brim, the glass magically grows, and thus nothing ever comes out for the poor." Francis' rhetoric of redistributionism has warmed the heart of President Obama, who profiled the Pope for Time's list of 100 Most Influential People...

By Consortium News
Obama Urged to Show Restraint on Ukraine

Across Official Washington and the mainstream U.S. media, there is a rush to restart the Cold War with all its black-and-white propaganda, ignoring Russia's understandable concerns and portraying the "U.S. side" as always right. But some U.S. intelligence veterans urge a more adult response.

Court turns away challenge to anti-terror law
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By Rob Kall
Clippers Owner Donald Sterling is A Symptom of a Problem the Whole World Faces
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By Tom Engelhardt
Anand Gopal, How to Lose a War That Wasn't There
Here's the mind-blowing news in Anand Gopal's new TomDispatch post and in his just-published book No Good Men Among the Living: the U.S. fought its "war on terror" for almost a year in Afghanistan against - quite literally - ghosts. In the process, it resuscitated a Taliban movement that had ceased to exist and brought back the Harqqqani network as well, only to find itself in a conflict it couldn't win.

By Kathy Malloy
Patriots, Fox-Style

The world will think certain things if you're seen with black people, Don Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, tells his mistress, so you should not be seen with them in public, and under no circumstances should you bring them to Clippers games. He was particularly upset that his girlfriend was posting photos on her Instagram account of her standing with Magic Johnson.

By Jill Jackson
Won't Get Fooled Again?

It's not too late to keep the 80s, 90s, and 00s from wiping out the last embers of social democracy.


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The prime minister of Israel on Sunday dismissed President Mahmoud Abbas' remarks mourning victims of the Holocaust as a public relations stunt aimed at placating the international community. Benjamin Netanyahu also told his cabinet that Abbas should choose between his agreement to form a unity government with Hamas and make a true peace with Israel.



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