ViRC and Unicode support

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Jan 4, 2009, 1:56:58 AM1/4/09
to Visual IRC
Is there any chance for an update to Visual IRC to support Unicode
languages, such as Japanese and Chinese?

IIsi 50MHz

Jan 4, 2009, 2:02:24 PM1/4/09
to Visual IRC
On Jan 4, 1:56 am, RACooper <> wrote:
> Is there any chance for an update to Visual IRC to support Unicode
> languages, such as Japanese and Chinese?

I think that was to be part of the mythical Virc 3. Delphi source code
for Virc 2 is public, minus a few components that had licensing
restrictions. Personally, I'm not starting the adventure of learning
another programming language just for one application. Virc 2 done by
a different author than Virc 1, and it looks like any Virc 3 will
require at least one new programmer. )-:

ShiftJIS, Unicode, and such have become increasingly important to me
on IRC, but Virc has stagnated.

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