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Mar 7, 2010, 9:26:10 AM3/7/10
to Violetland
I've attached Violetland_HUD_1.png. It's a fake of HUD, my first
probe. Don't hesitate to critic it and live your comments.


Mar 7, 2010, 9:42:22 AM3/7/10
to Violetland
I like it. Some comments through:
- The bottom is empty. Exp bar could be put there, so there's mor
vision in top.
- Also, I think left-side text could be smaller (noy much, through).
Also, maybe grenade and bullet icons could share text heigh.
- When displaying health text (40/100), the limit part (/100) could be
smaller and placed different. I think about something like 40<sup>/
100</sup> (test this code in a wikipedia page). This way, keeping the
current health text size and getting the health limit text smaller,
you could align it with health icon better.
- I think weapon icon size is okay. It could even be a bit bigger, but
I like it the way you pictured it.

Mar 7, 2010, 10:30:19 AM3/7/10
to Violetland
I would prefer something less colorful and space-taking. I attached my
first non-circular mockup.

For guns: I don't think it is important to tell the player what weapon
they are holding.. or make the bullet drawing explain it.


Mar 7, 2010, 10:39:48 AM3/7/10
to Violetland
Ok, I've upload Violetland_HUD_2.png with small updates after your
feadback. I think, it's a better, than first version.


Mar 7, 2010, 11:26:07 AM3/7/10
to Violetland
I think the health indicator should be in percent.

Note that we must leave some area for messages (currently messages are
displayed on bottom, I can use less sized font to display messages).

I want to see some indicator that will show if there are available
points for level-up.

Also I don't like full-width xp-bar.


Mar 7, 2010, 11:29:22 AM3/7/10
to Violetland
Cool, but on the fan. I think such design can't be main stream.


Mar 8, 2010, 5:19:25 PM3/8/10
to Violetland
I've updated fake a little. Please, see Violetland_HUD_3.png.
And I like some ideas from qubodup and will try to present more
minimalistic variant (compare to my present) this week.


Mar 9, 2010, 1:39:57 AM3/9/10
to Violetland
You have forgotten a time indicator which is necessary in survival
mode at least.

I think HUD should be more "integrated". Currently we have a couple of
images and symbols. They are poorly linked among themselves. In an
ideal the game should present a certain style, and HUD should not be
an exception. While the game haven't defined style, HUD may won't have
it too, but the developing of style can be started with HUD. Main
important things are one-style images and accurately picked-up range
of colors. For example, images of bonuses are made in one style.

Adrián Chaves Fernández

Mar 9, 2010, 2:57:03 AM3/9/10
> You have forgotten a time indicator which is necessary in survival
> mode at least.
> I think HUD should be more "integrated". Currently we have a couple of
> images and symbols. They are poorly linked among themselves. In an
> ideal the game should present a certain style, and HUD should not be
> an exception. While the game haven't defined style, HUD may won't have
> it too, but the developing of style can be started with HUD. Main
> important things are one-style images and accurately picked-up range
> of colors. For example, images of bonuses are made in one style.



Mar 9, 2010, 4:16:41 PM3/9/10
to Violetland
This is just something I threw together. It isn't that pretty, but
gets my idea across. I think I included everything that is needed, for
now, that is.


Mar 9, 2010, 4:18:28 PM3/9/10
to Violetland
I'm fully agree with you. Every game must have its own style. Does
anyone have some ideas, what it's need to be? May be some games, where
we can take some ideas. Or some icons. Or smth else.

Adrián Chaves Fernández

Mar 9, 2010, 4:20:51 PM3/9/10

While there could be more versions with a different style, I like the style
and the distribution of the different elements you've done.


Mar 9, 2010, 4:23:21 PM3/9/10
to Violetland
> I want to see some indicator that will show if there are available
> points for level-up.

May be, it's better to show only current level number, and if player
have some points to update indicate it by showing some icon, blinking,
flashing or smth else?

On 7 мар, 18:26, Nikita <> wrote:

Adrián Chaves Fernández

Mar 9, 2010, 4:25:40 PM3/9/10
> > I want to see some indicator that will show if there are available
> > points for level-up.
> May be, it's better to show only current level number, and if player
> have some points to update indicate it by showing some icon, blinking,
> flashing or smth else?



Mar 9, 2010, 4:28:23 PM3/9/10
to Violetland
Yes, that was something I forgot to put in my concept. Next to the
number would display an "up arrow" to indicate that there are
available perk points. Either that or have the level number flash, but
not an on/off flash, it would be a glowing flash.


Mar 9, 2010, 5:14:03 PM3/9/10
to Violetland
As I promise, I made more minimalistic variant. Please, see
HUD_minimal_toll.png file.


Mar 9, 2010, 6:37:57 PM3/9/10
to Violetland
I really like that one. The only thing it needs is a way to notify
when you got to a new level. Other than that, It's really simple and
easy to follow.


Mar 10, 2010, 2:49:11 AM3/10/10
to Violetland
Good. Latest samples from sacuramboo and toll are similar. I think it
is sign of true.

Толл Свириденко

Mar 10, 2010, 4:43:37 AM3/10/10
We can try to add "lightning" effect to arrow icon if user have a points to update

2010/3/10 sakuramboo <>


Mar 10, 2010, 9:19:49 AM3/10/10
to Violetland
Ok, what next? I will try to implement such HUD. Icons of health and
experience I can cut from the fake. What weapon shells and grenades
should I use?

Толл Свириденко

Mar 10, 2010, 9:52:46 AM3/10/10
I can upload xcf file so you will be able to take easy all needed elements. After implementation (doesn't matter, what weapon you will use, from my fake or any other) anyone will be able to replace icons and present new variant. This way we will have something real to discuss, not only fakes.

2010/3/10 Nikita <>

Adrián Chaves Fernández

Mar 10, 2010, 9:56:23 AM3/10/10
> I can upload xcf file so you will be able to take easy all needed elements.
> After implementation (doesn't matter, what weapon you will use, from my
> fake or any other) anyone will be able to replace icons and present new
> variant. This way we will have something real to discuss, not only fakes.

Sounds good.


Mar 10, 2010, 1:25:22 PM3/10/10
to Violetland
sorry, im a little late

one ting i have to point on is, that e.g. the minigin should have
about 800 shots or the flamethrower has just a tank.
i think it would be much easier to make that with just a pic of a
bullet/tank/battery with a numer in it, like tolls hud2 has.

Толл Свириденко

Mar 10, 2010, 2:10:58 PM3/10/10
Hm, yes it's a problem. As variant we can use digits for such problematic weapon as minigun. Better indication can be find later.

And, i've upload file Violetland_HUD_minimal.xcf.

2010/3/10 bOHeLi <>

Adrián Chaves Fernández

Mar 10, 2010, 2:22:04 PM3/10/10
> Hm, yes it's a problem. As variant we can use digits for such problematic
> weapon as minigun. Better indication can be find later.
> And, i've upload file Violetland_HUD_minimal.xcf.

We always can make minigun to have infinite ammo but get over"warm" after
using it too much time straight - so it would have, instead of bullets, a
"warming" indicator. Anyway, I think using a number instead of as much bullets
as the gun uses is the better idea.

Iwan Gabovitch

Mar 10, 2010, 2:41:11 PM3/10/10
Bullets would be best. For the canister, you could use it as a canister-shaped progress bar. Bullets could be scaled/put into rows to fit.

This might look bad though, so instead a progress bar might be good to show how much ammunition is left.

2010/3/10 Adrián Chaves Fernández <>


Mar 10, 2010, 6:38:52 PM3/10/10
to Violetland
The thing to remember is, in the original game, they displayed the
bullets, for the chain run, there was more bullets than could be
displayed. I believe they had 30 rounds, but the chain gun had 50 (if
I remember correctly). So for the first 20 rounds fired, the number
displayed did not change. Personally, I like the infinite ammo for the
chain gun with an over heating status bar. But, the same for the
flamethrower. Just show a status bar for their amounts.

There is one other thing, though. For all powerups, there should be a
smaller time bar on the side so you know how much longer you have for
each power up. I can make up some mocks later of what I have in mind
for this.


Mar 10, 2010, 7:45:42 PM3/10/10
to Violetland


Apr 7, 2010, 3:56:26 PM4/7/10
to Violetland
Hi all.
What is the state of HUD now? I see some new elements implemented, but
not all.


Apr 8, 2010, 11:13:02 AM4/8/10
to Violetland
I'm too busy on another enterprise project now. I am planning to
complete work on HUD and then to release version 0.3 of Violetland
with current state of features. I don't know exactly date, may be on
this weekend, may be later.

On Apr 7, 11:56 pm, toll <> wrote:
> Hi all.
> What is the state of HUD now? I see some new elements implemented, but
> not all.


May 5, 2010, 5:09:27 PM5/5/10
to Violetland
I've attached small patch with small HUD icons behavior updating.
Please, see it and apply if it's ok.
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