ReDevelopment of Vinux Debian CLI

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D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

May 29, 2023, 5:29:55 PM5/29/23
to The Vinux Development Forum
There's still a need of an accessible system with screen readers.

A big step forward is Debian now has drivers for WiFi included in it's net install CD.

The Debian - which has text mode - isos Vinux produced are archived here:

I don't know how to migrate Debian CLI and update it, but it would be wonderful if it could be done.

Best regards,

David Ring

Hammer Attila

May 31, 2023, 5:21:52 AM5/31/23
to Vinux Development
Hi David,

I not remember:

What the difference with each CLI versions (except the size)? I never
used Debian CLI based Vinux version, used pure Debian and Ubuntu based
systems. Usual I worked Vinux development the packaging related works in
free time.

What ISO file better use to package base list system? The about 600 MIB
size ISO?

The GUI version adaptation is little difficulter with GNOME base,
because you already known, GNOME is radically changed since 2.1 release
(except we not use gnome Flashback session, with is a step back).
Perhaps better use Mate with desktop environment. In Bullseye base
system the text mode installer possible fire up with default enabled
speakup soft speech support, GUI installer is a mission impossible task.
In Bookworm (aka now Debian testing) the Calamares installer are already
talking with Orca Screen Reader, because in QT5 and QT6 toolkit fixed an
upstream bug.

Calamares installer is relevant only the GUI live system (for example
with Mate desktop environment).

Perhaps I give a try with live-build for example Bullseye base the CLI
version with free time if I have more time after june 5 TH.

Kind regards and best wishes,


Hammer Attila

May 31, 2023, 6:34:10 AM5/31/23
to Vinux Development
Hi David,

I'm starting to see Anthony and other contributors how designed anno the
Debian 2.1 CLI version. Fortunatelly I fire up a qemu system the CLI max
command line release.
Surprised me the espeakup keystrokes is muted. Not matter wthe ISO
language is default with english, but first time I not found english
keyboard layout without speech the importanter keystrokes. :-):-)

Well, I have few question:
1. This repository what packages contains?
deb stable main
This is the old Debian multimedia repository? If yes, this is need
replace the proper source list.

2. The deb debian/
repo is died, need found another source the fresh remastersys package.
Perhaps this source repo is good:

3. The development we trying use bullseye, or bookworm source base? What
do you like?
So we use Debian stable or future Debian bookworm system during development?

Other settings are perhaps possible migrating (aliases, profile
settings, default espeakup launch, etc), few technique are different
now, elapsed since 14 year. I thing Vinux community publicated Debian
2.1 max system with Lenny distribution basis in 2009.
In command line system not have drastically differences, perhaps package
names changed, or setting files sintax.

I will give a try a very basic live system with live-build, I have a
fired up Debian 11 vagrant live build virtual box vith I usual use own
purposes with home live systems development.

Best wishes,


D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

May 31, 2023, 7:41:12 AM5/31/23
to The Vinux Development Forum
Maybe it's best to use SID unstable Debian.



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Hammer Attila

May 31, 2023, 9:24:33 AM5/31/23
to Vinux Development
David, sure you would like unstable branch?
I'm not asking out of obligation, just out of curiosity. For example I
in production environments (for example my home workstations, friends
computers) not use unstable branch, perhaps testing or stable, depending
how long time want the target sistem more stable environment.

Debian Sid my experience very very rapid time changing, some time (but
not always) brokening the package dependencies the rapid development
time speed.

If this happens in a production environment, with an average user, if a
package is faulty for several days, it can have unforeseeable consequences.

Although, you can legitimately ask the question: is an average user even
a user who uses a purely command-line system? The question is who is the
target audience. If both beginners and advanced users, the unstable
branch is not necessarily good. If you only want to provide a very
stable system for novice users, then the stable branch is the best. If
you want a distribution with roughly the same rolling release model as
e.g. Sparki Linux, then the Debian testing branch is the best choice.
Perhaps better the testing branch if you would like a rolling style
basis, (medium stable, medium fresh system).

The 2.1 CLI and GUI Debian based Vinux system uses Lenny codename (the
2009 year awailable stable branch).

But if you very would like Debian Sid branch, I give a try when
generating a live cd. :-):-)

Unfortunatelly lot of packages are already missing the Debian package
repository, the build log showed me estimated 850 lines the missing
packages related informations. :-(:-(

So, it will take me some time to figure out which missing package could
be replaced with what.

Actually, what you want doesn't seem like an impossible mission, you
just have to put the system together well, it will take some time.

Once all components are assembled, all that remains is maintenance.

In the first steps, I will be able to help with the compilation of the
first live test system, unfortunately I cannot undertake the long-term
maintenance as I have a lot of other tasks at my official workplace
I will report to you if I have achieved significant results.

Sorry if my english not always good, my primary language is hungarian


D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

May 31, 2023, 10:01:50 AM5/31/23
to The Vinux Development Forum

Your English is excellent!

I agree with you, testing is the way to go.

Do you remember the textual desktop manager that Debian used to have?

It was just a menu with ASCII graphics.

It had different submenus where the user would find applications and a brief description.

That would be very good for new users.

I had a dear friend who was from your country, Laci Radney, he survived the NAZI death camps and lived to see a free Hungary and visited it before his death. He was once head of the communications administration department of the 1956 free not communist government of Hungary



On Wed, May 31, 2023, 06:34 Hammer Attila <> wrote:

Hammer Attila

May 31, 2023, 10:24:13 AM5/31/23
Dear David,

Ok, we choosed the testing branch.

I am not remember unfortunately the textual desktop environment name
with you describe your letter, anybody not known the component name, or
the environment name? This is a ncurses based environment or application?

When I begun use DEbian in 1999, because not have yet software speech
synthesysers in hungarian language, I used the Linux system with an
another machine in network (simple telnetted the local system the second
machine to the internal network). Or when this is not possible, I used
serial console. In terminal I launched simple any command with I want
and known (for example cdrdao when I wanted burn audio CD or mp3 CD,
mplayer or mpg123 when want wanted listening mp3 files, etc).

Now have more possibilities fortunately a pure command line system, with
you wrote.

This menu driven environment an ydeal solution if anybody found the
component name.


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