Is the list still active?

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2021-10-31 14:12:102021-10-31
Hi gang - just going through some old messages in my little-used gmail account and I saw some VintagVW messages.  Are we still live or are we in the post-mortem throws of death?  TTYL!


Bruce Howard

2021-10-31 14:16:542021-10-31
I'm still here. Was thinking about you the other day, NQ.

Still no VW but I have my eye on a field Ghia. Been watching a lot of Mike FN Garage on YouTube. Made me miss the community.

I'm in Massachusetts now, living in a toy hauler, sans toy, working a Lockheed Martin g contract. Fam is still in TX and FL.


From: <> on behalf of Lazlo <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2021 2:11:58 PM
To: <>
Subject: [vintagvw] Is the list still active?
Hi gang - just going through some old messages in my little-used gmail account and I saw some VintagVW messages.  Are we still live or are we in the post-mortem throws of death?  TTYL!


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2021-10-31 14:47:342021-10-31
Nice to hear from you Bruce.  Can't you think of better things to think about than me?  LOL!  Seriously it's nice to be remembered.

I tried to subscribe another email address to the listserv and there is just nothing I can do.  It's just locked up really tight so I'm even wondering if any new subscribers can get on?  We might just be locked down to whomever is here at the moment, but I'm not for sure.

The glory days of the list seem to be in the past since and it's a shame, but it's clearly evident why.  The mass use of internet and the social media platforms have just completely watered things down.  It used to be that if you "on the list" you were automatically in a close-knit group that required some level of computer savvy to find and get on to.  Admittedly though, isn't it so much easier to just click 'Join Group' on facebook, kick back, and let the information and pictures roll in?  Before, you had to send emails in to subscribe, unsubscribe (how many times did we see 'unsubscribe' sent to the list?  LOL!), and all other queries done in a fashion that was appropriate for the level of technology we had at hand .  It's a pity shame the archived posts, to my knowledge, are gone.  If John Sroka has any of them, it would be nice to get ahold of them and spread them around.

I learned that last winter, Gerald Livingston succumbed to heart disease.  He was on here, but more so on the type2 listservs.  We didn't find out until many months later, but wondered why the Buskatiers website that he hosted had gone off-line.  I got to see him about a year before he died when my wife and I went down to the gulf coast for a getaway trip.  I had a hunch it might have been the last time I'd see him alive.  He had a ton of VW and Commodore computer stuff laying around plus a ton of other equipment.  

I never did forget Scott Yuppa who was on the list a short time and passed away in an airplane accident with his dad Carmine (I think?).  We've lost quite a few others and it's sad that in our minds, we met these amazing individuals who were so giving of their time and knowledge and if we were really fortunate, we got to meet them in person - and with the passing of time - they're gone.  Bob Hoover is also missed.

I hate to think the list has degraded into a bunch of old fogies sitting around thinking about the past, but with such a large movement towards social media, perhaps we should look at a side-gig of adding a vintagvw group to facebook.  I mean, it could really revitalize the list by sharing the wit and wisdom of the old-timers with any new-comers who might be interested.  I always did prefer the email aspect as it was fast and like reading a good book.  Like radio was prior to TV - the pictures in our heads were removed once we could see who was talking.  I'm on facebook, but I really limit what I share on there and it seems that it's a very successful surveillance machine and that fact alone makes me not like it.  

Oddly enough, since I don't change easily with time, I still carry around a 2003 Motorola V60s cell-phone which Verizon has continued to allow to operate on their towers.  It fits in my bib pocket quite nicely and is loud enough to be heard over the saw at work - even while doing a full rip on a board.  I had a truck driver this past week say, "Is that a cell phone?"  It struck me that is now an old term.  Today it's called a smartphone.  I own several smartphones and use them when I travel, but for the day to day monotony of life - it's what I like.  Old cars are the same way - they might not get as good of mileage and might not have all the modern conveniences, but there is a certain amount of freedom one gains by sticking with the familiar, the easily repaired, and something within your skill level to fix and maintain.  My V60 has had it's motherboard dropped into a new shell 7 to 10 times at this point.  I take the phone apart, fix it, and it keeps right on working.  Even soldering the internal antenna connector back on is something I've gotten good at.

Anyway, concerning the listserv at present.  I found this archive:  so that might provide some way to look for old posts.  At this point though, it seems we are invisible list not easily accessible.  That ended with the demise of the old sjsu server of years gone by.

I fully expect that we will see some frantic messages requesting to unsubscribe from those who forgot they were subbed because it's been so long since they joined.  It just kind of goes with the territory when suddenly a big ol' post comes through the email that one isn't used to seeing.

I guess that's it for now.  I'll sit back and see what everyone else has to say.


Bert Knupp

2021-10-31 15:23:452021-10-31
Hi, Y'All,
Some of us are still around. Since my main interest is old police and fire VWs, I've mostly been active on those lists. But there's still lots of new blood just getting into air-cooleds, asking the same questions we all did. 
The shows took a hit in 2020, but with most folks now being vaccinated it's easier to hold events safely. Had over 200 in Sevierville, Tennessee, in October. 
Keep on bugging!
Bert Knupp and the Copbug

Ray Yoder

2021-10-31 20:40:572021-10-31
Hi NQ. do you still have the pic of you with the bug body on the roof?

Sadly we also lost Bill May some time ago. Anyone hear from Jim Anderson?  

Kirin Jacobsen

2021-10-31 20:45:472021-10-31
I'm still kicking. Been sorting out my resto cal. Life's busy but I still remember the glory days. 


Scott S

2021-10-31 22:07:432021-10-31
Nice to hear from you all!
Scott Sportsman
73 Thing

Please excuse my spelling, message sent from my rotary dial phone.

On Oct 31, 2021, at 7:51 PM, Kirin Jacobsen <> wrote:


2021-10-31 22:47:022021-10-31
Yep I still have them in their original format.  Funny how in the day, you could view them just fine on a P166 machine and now they are so tiny with the higher resolutions we run today.

I think I took these with my sister's Advantix camera and scanned them in.  When I run across the photos, I'll rescan with a better resolution.

I'm amazed you still remembered this.  It doesn't seem all that long ago, but I was as old then as it has been years since!


Dean Johnson

2021-11-01 00:44:282021-11-01
Well I'm still here. I'm putting a new gas tank in my '71 super beetle. I tried to clean the old one but it was too crusty. I haven't run the car since getting the heads rebuilt a few years ago. I rebuilt my barn this past pandemic to repair squirrel and water damage so I should be able to get to the bug this winter... We shall see. 
It's always good to get an email from the old vintagw list.

I'm not even sure which of my emails is subscribed, they all come to one place...
Williamson, NY

Dave C. Bolen

2021-11-01 08:58:172021-11-01

Hey guys,

Dave still here! Been working on another 78 bus and haven't touched my
bug since NQ was here a couple of years ago. The bus is nearing
restoration completion and will go up for sale in the next month or so.

Read thru most of the reply mails so far. All those folks that are gone
are missed as everyone pitched in to help.

Jim Anderson is alive an kicking as he was at the Eureka Springs show this
year. We didn't have the show last year for obvious reasons but it was
excellent this year.

Cheers, dave

Anil Nair

2021-11-01 20:52:542021-11-01
Hi from Malaysia.. Still here.

I used Gmail and there's a tab dedicated for forums which only has mails from this vintagvw group. Glad to see some of us are still around. I think I joined around 1996 or '97. close to 25v years ago!

We've moved from the mail-list to forums and now it seems to be mostly facebook for the newbies. Can't stop progress but anyway the bug is still with me!. One family car from '69.


Ray Yoder

2021-11-02 13:03:232021-11-02
This pic left a permanent image in my brain. Always loved your stories!! How is your wife doing?

Anyone remember Suleman and his brother?  Think Suleman moved to the US but his brother was in Pakistan?  Any updates on them?

On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 10:47 PM, Lazlo

lloyd mcclelland

2021-11-02 19:33:052021-11-02

Hi   VW vintage list  , I'm still here with VW projects ( hopefully waiting ) I've passed the '57 sedan on to Kafer Dave who finished a wonderful restoration , and bought another 87 Vanagon ..The '61 sunroof beetle still is hiding in the garage ... Nice to see these VW names ..Lloyd in Eureka CA.

On Nov 2, 2021, at 10:03 AM, 'Ray Yoder' via VintagVW - Air Cooled Volkswagen Discussion List <> wrote:

This pic left a permanent image in my brain. Always loved your stories!! How is your wife doing?


2021-11-02 19:49:452021-11-02
I'm really surprised this list is still working.  It's nice to see all the familiar names once again!  I remember Kirin and Suleman, Gilbert Sy Chan, Rachel, Thom Fitzpatrick, Rob Kuhn, and many other greats!

I've been chatting with Nick of and he isn't able to post on the list so he will be sending me something that I can share on his behalf.

He made the suggestion that whoever set up the list on google groups probably has deleted their account or lost access to it.  That being the case, this is probably why the the only way you can post anything here is via whatever email address you're currently subscribed with.  I can't even reply via google groups and none of the commands I've tried will work.  It seems the list is hanging on by a thread.

Is anyone interested in doing it the old way if I can find some listserv software and run it on a dedicated server?  If so, I'll get something figured out.  I'm going to first of all see if I can find John Sroka and ask him what's up with this google groups thing.  It seems as if it might be abandoned.  I wouldn't care if I set up a new listserv and it didn't get used very often.  As it stands, the last message I got with it was back in June of 2020 I think.

I'll do some research and let you all know what I find out.  I'll start with trying to track down John and go from there.



2021-11-02 20:00:072021-11-02
Okay I sent in a new request from a different email address and it says that it requires approval from the listmod.  I also sent a message to the listmod so let's see what happens.  I haven't found John on facebook yet since it seems Sroka is a somewhat common name.  Thanks for putting up with my test posts while I figure out what to do with this.



2021-11-03 08:26:512021-11-03
I forgot to answer your message Ray.  Thanks for asking about Enid.  We've been married 11 years now and working to pay off our house.  I've had $1600 worth of rock brought in bolster up the driveway and to expand it so I get to fire up the skid loader and spread the rock around at some point.  Until then, we have to dodge piles of rock which will get old pretty fast.  

It's sad that our little group has fallen apart with time, but the die-hards are still around.  I'd hate to lose our little treasure trove of knowledge and our little tight knit group.  It seems without active management, we're hanging on by a thread and I'm looking into what can be done to rectify this.  My new user request has gone unanswered which means this group is no longer being moderated I'm afraid.


Ray Yoder

2021-11-03 08:46:012021-11-03

Dave C. Bolen

2021-11-03 09:43:102021-11-03
kam: 'Ray Yoder' via VintagVW - Air Cooled Volkswagen Discussion List

I'll text him and see if he is getting the vintagvw mails.

cheers, dave

cheers, dave
> Nice to hear from you all!Scott Sportsman
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Anil Nair

2021-11-14 20:21:512021-11-14
I was in contact with Suleman's brother, Asad, on Facebook but I just checked and he's no longer on my friend list. Not sure what happened. Anyway Suleman is in the US. His bug was named tRusty IIRC.


No Quarter

2021-11-14 21:44:332021-11-14
IIRC he was from Pakistan and had trouble locating parts due to his
location. I had forgotten that he finally made it to the USA. I'm curious
what he's up to today myself...


Anil Nair

2021-11-14 21:48:442021-11-14
Hi NQ, You can check Suleman Ishaque on FB, he is in CA.

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2021-11-16 17:10:422021-11-16
kam: VintagVW - Air Cooled Volkswagen Discussion List
Hi all, Nick Stokes here.

Thanks to John Sroka's work I can now post.

I am now fully retired and spending more time repairing and riding my classic BMW motorcycles along with needed work on my daughters' '70 and '74 Beetles to ensure my grandson learns how to drive a standard on a classic VW like his Mom and Dad.

As NQ posted for me, I am no longer repairing radios for vintage VW owners.  This does not mean that I no longer repair radios because I have many in my stock to repair and will be offering them up for sale, probably on  At the present time I'm keeping the web site active along with the email address for questions and radio purchase requests.

If anyone here has questions regarding VW radios post it here and I'll do my best.


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